The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

This is in addition to the figures announced last night.

They were in the hospital for a week, but didnā€™t fit the criteria for COVID-19 test.

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A week?? So the complaints @tallback mentioned around criteria are trueā€¦ weā€™re fucked.

The loony left

Out in a ward with other patients


Is it true that there was a conference somewhere recently after which seventy odd of ninety delegates became infected?
Thatā€™s scary enough if so.

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In Boston

That happens a lot. The # hospitalised here dropped from 400 to 200 but there are still only 22 cases nationally. Some going in a population of 38 million. Only a matter of time though.

Ah lovely

Not how Iā€™d describe it. Youā€™d feel for anyone on the frontline at the moment. No one knows jack shit.

Must be very stressful

This is a chilling read

And thats not just hospital staff. Everyone is scrambling here, from politicians to medical experts. Thereā€™s no one out there trying exacerbate this situation intentionally. No one left that person in a ward in Waterford for days intentionally.

@Copper_pipe throw up the audioclip there of your man on the building site ā€¦ or else tell me how I upload whatsapp audio clips

Ireland is taking the self-regulation route, ie. thereā€™s no need to regulate because ā€œself interested, rational individualsā€ will regulate themselves. Yeah, because that has worked so well before.

Communist! People like you

As an island we had a massive opportunity to slow down the outbreak by implementing or at least advising travel restrictions to Italy. That it wasnā€™t done is looking more and more foolish each day. To repeat, their only actions before it took hold were to cancel a rugby match and to tell people to wash their hands.


Societal breakdown is inching closer based on the primal behaviour I witnessed on the DART this morning. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy, should we stop using public transport and travel to work by car instead?

Itā€™s just a simple glitch in the matrix. Nothing to worry about