The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

What did you witness?

That’ll drive my OCD insane for the day.

#edgy #triggered

Just off to the office kitchen to make myself a mug of Lemsip

The Archbishop of Banterbury

They only cancelled st. Patrick’s because of anger, they were going ahead with it. Their measures have been shocking.

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FG are happy enough to have it to cull the elderly and sick. They’re implementing a few token gestures now to appease the cap doffers.

But then their electorate dies?


Shush, the lads have their narrative here and they’re willing to beat it to death if they have to.


Myopic alright.

Thats FF’s electorate. Young and middle aged people with lots of money vote for FG as well as some of the older folk.

It doesn’t have to make sense. Something something cap-doffers


That’s strong. They are slow to make and implement on decisions and seem to be reacting on a case by case basis. They haven’t the strength or will to make the hard calls because they are terrified of going against the will of their electorate. You’ve seen the reaction of lads on here at the mere mention of sanctions. FG are following the money. FG always follow the money

Ireland are following the exact same public health rule book as other Western democracies. There will be a dramatic increase of numbers and a lockdown. They have said that all along.

They’ll be listing the reduced numbers on trolleys in the next election as an achievement.

All reports indicate that testing and quarantining have been half arsed.

As a small Island we had a good chance to keep it out but it’s too late now and the inevitable is inevitable

I’d say that based upon some of the news headlines this morning, there could have been a test capacity issue. That seems to be starting to be resolved based upon additional testing units being opened around the country.

We are where we are.


Gotta get on with it and just increase testing and shoot anyone that tests positive.

I think most people are behaving responsibly and taking measures, it’s the I’m alright Jack’s, sure it wont kill me, I’ll only get a common cold merchants that are fucking it

Guys like this

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