The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Noted public health expert (an actual one, not a Paddy Cosgrave blowhard type) Dr Gabriel Scally on Morning Ireland this morning broadly agreeing with the approach in Ireland to date and saying a very delicate balance as to when to go into strong lock-down measures as they could only be sustained for so long.

But I suppose you’ll drone on and on and on and on with half-arsed conspiracy theories …

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Wait for probable catastrophe in other words. Last night the FG heads here were telling us that anybody who wasn’t pulling on the green jersey and in lockstep with official responses was in favour of martial law. Now it seems they themselves are in favour of martial law. But it’s important to actually wait for catastrophe first. Cure, not prevention.

It’s a conspiracy theory to want the government to introduce some measures to contain a global pandemic?

The government have done nothing and this expert agrees with it?

There’s been other health experts saying we need to up it … your wan on prime time last need seemed to think we arent doing enough as does your man Maca being rolled out all through this.

Plus, hes a public health expert but he is giving advice on an economic outcome.

Restricting travel from northern Italy is hardly shutting the economy down. Not doing it will cost a lot more.


The government haven’t “done nothing” you loon

It’s a conspiracy theory to suggest the actions to date have been taken for political reasons or against the advice of experts

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What actions have they taken?

Can you post without insulting me, please?

The flights are finishing up the end of this week

Anybody know how it is being treated in Italy - China and Other Asian countries seemed to be throwing various anti-virals at it to keep people alive and let them fight it off.

Any details yet on conditions of Irish cases?

They’ve stopped the national holiday

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Do we need to go back through your outbursts only a few days ago?

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Is there any point in me paying my gas bill? Hardly

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Good. That had to be done.

Simultaneously there are 30k Irish people in Cheltenham.

By the Italians, should have been done here a month ago. Cancelling the rugby match means they knew what was coming. Cancelling the rugby match as an attempt to slow it down would be hilarious only for the seriousness of what’s happening now.

There’s no point locking down the country before a bigger outbreak. That would make sense if you thought you could actually stop it, but you can’t.
That’s not inaction, that’s just rational thinking.


You can if you’ve time

The virus was only officially named by WHO a month ago :roll_eyes:

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No point in me taxing the car either I suppose.


Yeah - once it landed it was too late.

We just gotta get on with it now.