The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

There’s a lot of posts, you’ll have to trust me on it

Ireland has supposedly tested more per head of population than Italy, even though that’s a complete lie spread by @Tim_Riggins when facts didn’t suit him.

Italy has tested over 1000 people per million of population. Oh, if only we could have the low, low rate of 5 tests per million (plus 10k bills for the uninsured) that the US has gone with. That’s the optimum response, at least says the self professed “expert” on this forum. Well, certainly if you want to cover up the real figures.

It’s about slowing it down. They had a chance by simply implementing travel restrictions or advisory warnings.

Whoever will die will die I’m afraid. No point canceling anything

So it wasn’t a problem until they put an official name on it? :grinning: :grinning:

You’re making out like it was widely-known about. Go back a month and show me a post about it here for example

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This thread is started on january 22

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The vast majority of people who brought it back from Italy traveled there when it was believed to be perfectly safe to do so

Only got the father home last Tuesday after 4 months in hospital, he was in UH Waterford yesterday for a check-up ffs.

That is true. Were we talking about closing borders a month ago?

This fella always have the lowdown tbf to him. It doesn’t hurt that he’s very lowdown himself.

Apparently the “experts” aren’t supposed to know any more than lads on a niche internet forum, at least if you’re to believe this fella.

TFK? :smile: :smile:

Post rationally and you don’t get insulted - act like a cross between Jim Corr and a deranged Liveline caller and all bets are off

We were certainly talking about banning Cheltenham etc.

Youd hope the experts and decision makers would have a lead time of a few weeks on a bunch of nut jobs on a small internet forum.

Or are you expecting us to have the information at hand that the policy makers have ?

you can walk mate

Jesus you must have no self awareness


This place is generally ahead of the curve.

The decision makers have the information but you don’t trust their judgement.

The Meath crew knew it wasn’t safe but still went. That’s just one example. Rugby was cancelled 2 weeks ago so they knew at least a few days before that. You’re talking possibly 3 weeks. Travel advisory/restrictions could have been implemented to have slowed it down.

Are you willing to accept that people will die unnecessarily so that you avoid economic pain?

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