The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

You’re projecting a lot.

Six weeks ago it was a “conspiracy theory” that the virus could spread to Europe, ar least according to Ireland’s “experts”.

Who are the “conspiracy theorists” again?

Flesh that out. You won’t, though.

People always die mate. If there is economic ruin it could kill a lot more long term. It’s a tough balancing act for decision makers.

That’s literally one example, the truth of which rely’s on a whatsapp screen shot.

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The “experts” said it was perfectly safe.

You, of all people, using inverted commas and talking condescendingly about people on Internet forums professing to be an expert on something. There’s your flesh.



You didn’t flesh anything out there. You’re just losing the rag because I’m winning the argument, as usual.

Eh? Are you saying the Meath lads were the only ones on that flight back?


Post up this “conspiracy theory” quote from one of the experts there. You surely have it?

I presume this was a HSE expert you’re quoting.

Like I said, no self-awareness

Its insane what lads are willing to read into to prove their points on this. Its all about deciding the narrative. There’s certain people you dont want near a crisis, and you can generally spot them as soon as one appears.

Eh, didn’t you read the post, he’s a winner.


You broadly agree that sanctions will need to be introduced at some point. Yes?

Lads we need to come together as a society by not coming together as a society.

Schools here closed for a fortnight from next week

It is … lots of businesses will go tits up — it’s about pulling it at the right time now

We can never come together when some people believe its us against them. At times like these you just must be grateful that FF and FG can come together to help the country and our people.

We need to IRFU to take the lead on this. They have a membership very experienced in coming together.