The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I donā€™t think sanctions will need to be introduced (sanctioning who?) - however it would seem likely from the information in the public domain at this stage that an increased drastic shut-down of public life will likely be required unless the virus can be kept at current case levels.

Interesting article here on Britainā€™s approach to corona virus

Fucking Julio ā€¦ heā€™ll have us all wiped out.

Minimising the crisis rather than the economic impact should have been the objective. Choosing to focus on the latter means neither will be achieved.

Your intransigence means you will be the first to go in a crisis.

The virus cant be kept at current levels without significant lock down.

The entire argument here is to let it spread until some magic number and then lockdown. Whatā€™s the number? How many deaths mate?

Are you for real? His wife is a doctor, do you think heā€™s that ideologically driven

Itā€™s times like these you see the lads youā€™d want standing beside you in a war and lads whoā€™d get the whole platoon killed with their squealing.

Iā€™d hope to see businesses offering staff to volunteer with contact tracing now.

Economies always collapse but they recover. Dead people stay dead

Did our ā€œexpertsā€ say it was perfectly safe to travel to Italy or did they not? Did they they say it was unlikely the virus would spread to Europe?

Yes they did, but facts are now ā€œconspiracy theoriesā€, at least according to yourself.

Straight out of the Trump playbook.

The WHO are saying that schools should be closed. Ireland isnā€™t doing that. The WHO are apparently ā€œconspiracy theoristsā€ now.

Post up that quote from your last effort there first will you. Iā€™m curious who the expert you quoted was

Whereas lads like yerself think no efforts should be made to prevent the outbreak of war.

Not sure it discriminates based on oneā€™s political stance but maybe you know more cos you use words like narrative.

What is it about this place and war fantasists?

Iā€™m on a phone so Iā€™ll look later. Are you denying the experts in Ireland told people it was perfectly safe to travel to Italy? Your whole attitude on this thread has been Nero-esque.

Its your intransigence that makes your vulnerable.

Sure phone has google. Do it now. Iā€™d be concerned that it could be a made up quote or that the expert wasnā€™t a HSE source and that youā€™re reversing away from it. Iā€™m happy to stand corrected when you post it though.


Iā€™m driven demented at home - I cant post on TFK in peace. Iā€™d nearly go back into the office so I can die doing what I love.

Cant you just rob something from next door to ease the jonesing?

killing you co-corkers?