The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Could you not have dropped “narrative” in there somewhere?

“Experts”. Oh, and why did Harris spread disinformation on Prime time last night?

I havent robbed anything since 1990 when I helped myself to a box of 100 packs of Italia 90 stickers from Ivans in latte-central.

besides my IPTV sub that is.

in fairness, harris is right. @Batigol wouldnt do fuck all


I hope you die screaming you Tipp cunt.

Is Simon Harris ignoring experts advice so he can deliberately infect the country, causing the health system to collapse under his watch and thus ending his political career forever?


The new health system will rise like a phoenix from the ashes

I didn’t want to stress you out further than you obviously already are.

Why did Harris spread disinformation?

More lies

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You’re hardly naive enough to think all decisions so far have been based purely on medical advice?

The South Koreans probably have the most wide ranging testing regime so are picking up more of the mild and asymptomatic cases but the death rate is about 0.7%. Over 7,000 cases and 54 deaths.
They closed the schools but have not implemented widespread quarantine however they use wide ranging track and trace methods including CCTV and credit tracking to identify contacts and the laws regarding individuals told to self isolate are crystal clear and the penalties for non compliance high.
They issue emergency notifications of cases identified and locations to everyone to increase vigilance. This has had the knock on effect of identifying affairs, technically adultery in S Korea is illegal.
They triage at the early stages and have separate medical facilities to treat the seriously ill, this treatment is extremely intense and oxygen is the main weapon


So Simon Harris shouldn’t listen to the experts?

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Honour, code, loyalty.

Very important not to MISLED THE PUBLIC.

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It’s been the most effective tool for cutting waiting lists in A&E the Government has ever come up with

I dont think anyone believes that really … I think they’ve been too casual with their response but every body is doing what they think is right.

Corinna Sadlier is a “conspiracy theorist” and Ireland has nothing to learn from Italy, at least according to lads here.

For years on here everyone made fun of @myboyblue’s bunker … they’re not laughing now.