The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Lolz, thousands of limp wristed posts suggest otherwise.

You’re welcome to pop up, bring princess too

This is true, you are permanently stressed.

well the women in it havent been laughing for years, theyve only been putting lotion on their skin and getting the hose.

Cant say fairer than that.

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What is genuinely believed by the Fine Gaelers here is that the official response shouldn’t be remotely questioned, that anybody who does so should be met with insults and being told they’re a “conspiracy theorist”.

@tallback openly admits this. Staggering ignorance.

Nobody has mentioned conspiracy theories on this thread apart from you. You are literally making stuff up and arguing with yourself over it. It’s fascinating to watch.

You haven’t been reading the thread, have you?

That and bringing Trump into it every other post

Its a remarkable talent you have to admit.

It’s an incurable condition at this stage

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Anyway, getting back on track… Iran is bollixed

The coronavirus death toll in Iran has jumped to 354, out of a total of 9,000 cases.

That represents a mortality rate of nearly 4%. As the mortality rate for the virus is thought to be between 1% to 2%, there are likely to be more unknown cases in Iran.

I dunno, COVID 19 could cure anything.

The ignore function is a fantastic resource

There are no plans to test any UK ministers, including Boris Johnson, for coronavirus after Health Minister Nadine Dorries become the first MP to be diagnosed with Covid-19, PA reports.

The Department of Health and Social Care said ministers would not need to undergo testing as Public Health England worked to advise those who have been in close contact with Dorries.

PHE said it had assessed the risk of Dorries’ individual close contacts and only those with symptoms need to self-isolate. For each Covid-19 case, a risk assessment is carried out and advice tailored to that group, a spokeswoman said.

Well they are practicing what they preach anyway. :flushed:

It’s not. You still see all.

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Its a dreadful sign of weakness.

Did you do a search to see who brought “conspiracy theories” in this exchange?

I’ll give you a hint. It was @tallback.

You were wrong. Move on.

Incorrect. I actually posted last night on the testing discrepancy in advance of Simon Harris interview. Why would I do that if I was just cheerleading?

I think the gov and experts have made both good and bad decisions in relation to what is a rapidly changing and unprecedented situation.

You (and your fellow travellers) notion though that they’ve been completely reckless and that they’re doing it for political reasons is bonkers and as absolutist in the other direction to the behaviour you spend your days imagining and then criticising

I’ve heard of two cases now in Cork where people were told isolate but not their family - kids still sent to school and partners to work — both people tested positive.