The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

All Iā€™ve said is they havenā€™t implemented stricter lockdown measures to protect the economy. Thatā€™s true isnt it

Are lads who were saying last night Italy had done a great job now saying letā€™s not make mistakes Italy have made.

Itā€™s about balance and proportionality. There will be a lockdown soon but a lockdown cannot go on forever so they have to time it right. Too early and it achieves nothing. This is complex and being faced for first time so you have to trust the experts. They will make mistakes for sure. Maybe Asia should be followed as they have the SARS experience.

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I wonder how long do lads realistically think we can sustain a lockdown?

Taiwanā€™s experts dealt with it differently and theyā€™re a stones throw from China.

There were far more imposing lockdowns during foot and mouth

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so what in the HSE history would give them the credit whereby they would be trusted?



Iā€™m going to the hardware shop this weekend. I might finally get the garden sorted if Iā€™m stuck in the house for a month

The alternative is to let it spread and locking down is absolutely pointless

So whatā€™s your alternative. Internet calls the shots. Every western democracy is doing what the same. Lads calling for German and Nordic style health care a few weeks ago now Saying itā€™s nonsense.

2 weeks tipping away, jaysus youā€™ll get some amount of work done. Would it be worth looking into ski holiday flights too I wonder?

I agree. We should kill anyone who gets it and their entire families and burn their corpses like we did with the cattle.
Thatā€™ll really show the virus we mean business


You havenā€™t debated in any sort of good faith here. Youā€™ve insulted and vilified those who disagree with you and continually tried to debate on straw man terms because you arenā€™t able to debate on facts.

And now, finally, you admit others have a point, a big point. And the irony is youā€™ve just done the exact thing youā€™ve claimed nobody should do - question experts.

What on earth have you even been arguing about for the last day now that you admit you were wrong all along?

Fine Gael already employ spin doctors. They donā€™t need an out of their depth amateur one here - or about five of them if you add in the other amateur FG spin doctors who suddenly think they are experts in public health.

Cheltenham closed for livestock, open for humans

What would you like to see done mate?


Any thoughts on what exactly would make you happy?

FG and Tory policy it seems.