The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Nope, I pointed out that you’re wrong.

Like you, much like Trump, were wrong to call this just the flu a few weeks ago.

You’ve decided to bizarrely get on this Italian train without facts to support your assertions.


I finally got the Trump comparison from Sid - do I get a prize or something?


You’re trying to argue with basic maths which squarely proved you wrong.

You said Ireland has tested more per head of population than Italy. Thus is indisputably wrong. Italy has tested far more per head.

There is literally nothing more to say except you’re spreading deliberate lies in Trump-like fashion.

You aren’t a serious contributor to this thread and should ignored.

I would like to see this post answered

What’s your opinion on it? Go on, put yourself out there.


Get the excuses in early.
Will you have WOM playing at all?

Also people in Taiwan and Hong Kong say that citizens experience from SARS and MERS had a huge part to play in the containment of Covid 19 even before the governments swung into action.
Reports were filtering from China in December and people in Hong Kong and Taiwan started taking the necessary steps re hygiene and sanitation
Things in addition to hand hygiene like pouring bleach down the drains and toilets in apartment blocks, keeping outdoor shoes outside and disinfecting the soles


Nah, May hopefully, but that would be going well I think

If you don’t want to be compared to Trump you should stop trying to come across like him.

At the point the virus “marched” as you asserted.

If the virus has marched here now, or we are about to reach that point, we need to look at comparable measures at the same stage of “the curve”.

You were plain wrong, the end.

You’ll be waiting a while.

Its directed to you. Are you just going to ignore it and continue screeching?

Very interesting.

You were indisputably wrong. Let it go. You’re only making a bigger fool of yourself than usual. Behaving like an autistic child won’t change that.

you get to put him on ignore now

Schools should be cancelled because it will be harder to control hygiene recommendations with kids, especially young ones. They interact physically with each other much more than adults.

Travel to severely affected areas should most certainly be restricted and incremental restrictions should be added as the situation worsens.

Public transport should not be suspended. Hotels should not be closed. Hospitals should not be emptied.

You’re projecting a lot of things I haven’t asked for here in this post.

I’ve asked for schools to be closed, mass gatherings to be cancelled and travel restrictions. It’s just common sense

I’ll ease back on the fake tan so.

so we’re going for the “everyone else is doing it so we must be right”? why not think outside the box? why not use different models, outside of western democracy, within the law?

like i said, the HSE and harris & leo have no credit in the bank to be trusted.

I answered. I directed a question to you. Are you just going to ignore it and continue being a watery cunt who offers nothing of any value to any discussion?