The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

We arenā€™t. The point was very clear. Dimmy just decided to try and shift the goalposts when he made a fool of himself.

But hey, at least he has the most perpetually miserable and pointless cunt on the forum Raylan here for moral support.

Loads more films will be delayed in reality.

One of the golf tour companies that operate through here reporting 97% cancellations from the US for the peak season now. The ripples are only starting.

Any clever fella would cancel any advance booking now.
Then ring up next week and re-book it at half the price.

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I might be able to sort @Faldo out for a few four balls now

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Great timing :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Packed like sardines all day.

@anon78624367 will be getting his wish from Friday Iā€™m hearing, schools, colleges etc all closing is the word from my source

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My lecture tomorrow night, at Irelandā€™s Best Campus (2019 & 2020), has been cancelled.

Any email said they were reviewing moving the May exams to online.

I told you that yesterday.

Ya but no one listens to you

The police do.


short notice

Youā€™re a very naive (but well meaning) individual when it comes to the real world.

All countries, regions and cities spend taxpayers money trying to attract businesses, small and large. The IDA have spent hundreds of millions over the years attracting MNCs to Ireland. They spend $10 million alone per year on regional projects. Thereā€™s about 200,000 Irish people working for MNCs, mostly well paying jobs well above the average.

Is that money wasted in your opinion? Would it be better spent on paying dole to people laid off when the MNCs are driven out? Corporations pay taxes, and the people working for corporations pay taxes, where do you think governments gets the revenue for public services?


You make it sound like theyā€™re doing us a favour?

MNCs go wherever it makes sense for them to locate, Ireland is a very attractive location for a variety of reasons. Only a loon would find a negative in that.

Bluster as usual ā€¦ lotā€™s of money that can be used for welfare/health/and public services are constantly stifled off by billionaires in the USā€¦ Ireland can spend that money and still offer relatively decent welfare. health, travel ā€” they shouldnt have have to compete.

i think what mike was getting at was that they werent locating here for altruistic reasons