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First death reported in Ireland

The Irish Times reports that Ireland has recorded its first death from coronavirus.

It says that the patient, understood to be elderly, died in the east of the republic, where they had been treated in recent days after initially presenting with respiratory symptoms.

Ireland has 34 confirmed cases to date.

3% mortality rate

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The toilet roll manufacturers will struggle to keep it pucked out to us

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If you accept that there are only 34 cases and none undiagnosed, which seems very unlikely

France and Spain are trending toward Italy territory. Mainland Europe will be no-go zone for months.

we can only go on the basis of the known knowns, if we start speculating on the basis of known unknowns then we’ll be on slippery slope to the unknown unknowns

d’ya know?

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Absolute nonsense. Cities like New York and most major cities have absolutely enormous budgets, funded by taxpayers. It’s what’s done with that revenue that’s the main issue, politicians lining their own pockets, no accountability, vast sums wasted on pet projects to buy votes. Corporations small and large who are the driving force and job creators in any economy are the least of the problem, but the favorite target.

I do. You can only calculate the mortality rate off deaths vs cured though. So the imaginary mortality rate is probably a whole lot higher

Fuck experts


Who’s got your phone?

According to WhatsApp washing your hands with a bar of soap followed by a drop of aftershave is as good as hand sanitizer

Favourite is British English mate.

At least the Kaiser left us with the 11 billion war chest to fight this virus. Imagine it struck in 2’10 we’d be fucked altogether.

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grand, ive finally found a use for that brut gift set i got from my aunt in law at christmas


Just heard on the radio there that the first death from this virus has occurred in the east of the country. See nothing on any of the news sites yet.


TFK* had it for you 23 minutes ago. What more do you want

*I got it from the Irish times

Devastating as it will be if this virus was slightly more deadly we’d be looking at end of days. This may be a wake up call for the world around things like climate change and other existential threats.