The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Jaysus sorry i was out stocking up on hand sanitizer, bog roll and bottled water.

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Favorite is handicap english mate.

Big masturbation afternoon planned?


You win this round corona virus.

Apparently his life didnt matter. People die all the time so we are told.

Oh Christ.

Here he goes about mobile phone metadata again.

nah heā€™s playing halo online and will need it to wipe his tears and re-hydrate

2,182 cases in Spainā€¦ kinda going under the radar - 50 deaths so far.

That worthy attitude will be a big help on the inside

Spain is the new Italy.
France will be the new Spain.
UK will be the new France
Ireland will be the new UK.

The USA will be the new Wuhan.


Is that not what we are being told around here? Have I got it wrong?

So hereā€™s the download from my mate with the expert wife last night.

This is already a pandemic and there is no stopping it, best that can be done is slow down the spread and protect the vulnerable. The most important thing for governments to do is educate people. The primary worry is medical facilities and hospitals getting overloaded with everyone who has a sniffle demanding to be tested or treated. One of the realities is that due to how infectious this is, a medical facility is the last place you may want to go unless you absolutely have to.

If youā€™re feeling sick call your doctorā€™s office and explain your symptoms, they will advise on whether you need testing. The process for testing is a medical professional takes a swab and itā€™s sent to a lab for the analysis, neither doctorā€™s offices nor most hospitals have PCR machines to do testing. If you are positive and otherwise healthy, the best bet is to stay at home and let your body fight off the infection, this can take up to two weeks.

The main group of people who need to self isolate and be protected are the elderly and immune compromised, most of the effort should be focused on this group. The elderly and immune compromised simply shouldnā€™t be out in public until this thing subsides. People who are reasonably healthy have very little to fear from this virus, like the flu you will get sick, maybe very sick, but you will also recover.


Thatā€™s hate speech mate, have you not learned your lesson?

That lad you asked about said if you meet him at 6.50pm this evening he can bring you dogging.

Not my cup of tea but I understand your focus is now on your bucket list so to speak.

You seem to flit from being some bit realistic to the other extreme a couple of times a day

Are you gonna sue me?

No mate, you have enough on your plate as it is.

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Iā€™ve a very dry / sarcastic sense of humour mate - would have thought that obvious - iā€™m fairly even keeled most of the time.

Like a sexually adventurous bear.
Heā€™s bi-polar.