The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Supposedly a cluster of cases in Kinvara and at least 1 in Tipp that weren’t in today’s figures

Hearing of a cluster in Navan as well.


No pal. You’re safe.

This yoke is going to explode in Ireland by the weekend.

Public opinion is going to change the game and we’ll be pretty much in lockdown by Sunday is my bet, and all the measures that certain posters here were opposing as recently as this lunchtime will be in operation.

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I was very sceptical up until the other day.

Have come around to the idea now that a complete lockdown for a month is required unfortunately.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy suggestion in terms of schools and the easter break makes perfect sense.

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If the replication rate is 2, then that means the 50 confirmed cases will have infected 2500.

Em, 150?

The problem is there are probably legions of undiagnosed cases out there. When we start testing on a wides cale we’ll start finding that out.

I’m reminded of the parable of the chessboard and the grain of rice.

I calculated to the power of.

Some good news, I think the first recovery was released from CUH tonight.

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Positive news biggest issue is the amount of intensive care needed to get someone with the virus to this point.

VFI Home NEWS Contact Us

Coronavirus (Covid 19) – latest update
Dear Laz,

As you know, developments around the Coronavirus are happening on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis.

As of today (5pm, Wednesday 11th March) there has been no request from government to close pubs. It’s common for rumours to swirl around during times of crisis so please check with us here in head office if you hear a rumour. We will pass on any verified news to you as soon as we have it.

The following is the most current information in relation to government business support for SMEs along with feedback from banks and suppliers:
Business supports
The government has announced a series of measures to support businesses, including:

  • Local Enterprise Offices in every county will be providing vouchers from €2,500 up to €10,000 (with 50:50 match funding) to support business continuity preparedness, innovation and productivity.
  • A €200m Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI) Working Capital scheme for eligible businesses impacted by COVID-19
  • The maximum loan available from Microfinance Ireland will be increased from €25,000 to €50,000 as an immediate measure to specifically deal with exceptional circumstances that micro-enterprises – (sole traders and firms with up to 9 employees) - are facing.

The Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation has issued a checklist for businesses HERE

Most of the major banks have announced measures to assist small businesses. It appears most customers will be assessed on a ‘case by case’ basis so the best advice is to contact your bank directly and explain concisely what you require.

Bank of Ireland - The bank says it will provide emergency working capital, payment flexibility on loan facilities, and the provision of trade finance and foreign currency products to support sourcing products from new suppliers internationally. “We will prioritise loan decisions for impacted businesses, and will also review the supports required for all of our customers as the impact of the virus on both our business and personal customers is further understood over the coming weeks,” it says.

Customers who are concerned are encouraged to make contact with their Business Relationship Manager or ring 0818 200 348.

AIB – is yet to announce any special arrangements for small businesses but says it has existing mortgage features in place for customers seeking to avail of an interest only/moratoria period in certain circumstances along with well-developed solutions for customers in difficulty with their mortgage repayments.

Ulster Bank – announced measures to assist firms including a €500m working capital fund for small and medium sized enterprises. It will also be offering temporary emergency loans with no arrangement fees as well as capital repayment holidays on variable rate loans

A “realignment of payments” will also be offered to customers who are seeing short term liquidity pressures, it said.

The VFI is in contact with all major suppliers, who are ready to assist members who have cashflow difficulties. They will assess how best to help members on a case by case basis.

If you are having payment problems you should contact suppliers immediately so they can assist you.

If you are experiencing cashflow difficulties contact Revenue as early as possible, either through its online payment channel (ROS) or by phone 01 738 3663 so that an agreement can be organised.

Further support
Given that the hospitality sector is at the sharp end of the Coronavirus crisis, further supports for the trade are expected to be announced in the coming weeks. The VFI is calling for a temporary suspension of VAT payments, a reduction in employers’ PRSI contributions and a reduction in the hospitality VAT rate to 9%. Commercial rates should also be suspended for the remainder of 2020.

We’ll keep you posted on developments as they happen.

Reminder: As ever, the best public health advice is available from the HSE website HERE

Don’t forget to use the hand hygiene posters in your pub, available HERE

Kind regards,


Qatar 238 new cases today. Were on same as Ireland 24 yesterday!

How long since first outbreak there?

6 days and they closed all schools and universities 2 days ago. How the feck did they get 238 in one day with all those precautions and small base of infected people?

Are they testing like fuck I wonder?

The heat ain’t killing this virus

Hygiene, population density?

My thoughts exactly. I thought it couldn’t survive in 26 degrees or over?

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We’re looking at a big announcement Friday. Complete shutdown of non essential work for 2 weeks.

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