The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Has to be the latter, itā€™s smaller than clare

Air conditioningā€¦


Fair point - they linked that to the cruise ship too

In Italy?


Bold move. Most private sector who can are set up to WFH next week. Some are already mandating it. Employment law is stopping multinationals doing more eg temperature testing etc

Some mention of labour camps for the World Cup amongst the replies too

Correct our organisation is going into full BCP mode globally from next Monday pity Cheltenham isnā€™t next weekšŸ˜‚

Itā€™s the only option available now to combat this. The incubation timescale is fucking up every Countries advances to halt it.

Thatā€™s it. Itā€™s a dirty bastard

Where are you hearing this? Facebook?

Infectious before symptoms makes it hard to stop. 50 per cent show symptoms in 4 days. 90 per cent in ten.

Firemen & Business owner.

Both told of pending announcements this Friday.

Only makes sense if they close the pubs.

Makes no sense being off for 2 weeks and no pubs open.


Domestic violence will go through the roof

Eh letā€™s not get carried away here

Sure how can that work? What do we go back to after the shutdown? How do bills get paid, what do we do for money to feed ourselves ?

My understanding of it is they would have to close as would all restaurants.

Shops, Pharmacies and Service stations etc.

If we get infected then itā€™s isolation only which can halt it. Simple as that. Infected numbers will probably explode by next week so itā€™s about halting further spread of this.