The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Baby Boomā€¦

Dirty needles

Iā€™ve seen proposals to close all schools, colleges and indoor events. Pubs to close at 6. I think itā€™s a bit away for businesses to close. Not sure Italy have even done that.

There will be no one available to work if this spreads as it will. Okay it wonā€™t kill everyone but people with fevers will not show up to work regardless.

The epidemic might be handier :man_facepalming:t2:


How the fuck does it spread so quickly like it did in qatar. I was in parnell street today and some cunt coughed as i walked past him. To say i gave him a withering look, i thought about pucking him in the jaw with my brolly. And regret not doing so.

Local business opening may be okay but business where travel is involved will have to be halted.
Office work or work where large numbers of people gather are Petrol for this flame unfortunately.

Banks should just agree to postpone 3 months loan repayments for anyone who asks. Lump them on again at the end. Would put some cash into circulation immediately and help prop up business community.

Would create huge issue for banks maybe but would be a great PR move

Sounds like absolute nonsense @carryharry. You think the Government are going to shut all businesses in the country and the only people whoā€™ve found out are Johnny the firefighter and Mickey the business owner? :grin:

Schools etc are likely closing Friday. Public sector will probably go to essential workers only. Once that happens private businesses will likely follow where they can, or be forced to due to lack of childcare etc. but thereā€™s no way the Government are closing private businesses this weekend



Thereā€™ll be an uprising if pubs are closedšŸ¤£

Fellas who know the secret knock will be okay


The barman will be able to count the 50s in a fellas pocket from the window

I presume thereā€™ll be an unmerciful lockdown party this Friday night?

Itā€™s proposed in Italy but weā€™re miles off it in Ireland I think.

Closing indoor venues, pubs and restaurants would come first.

Take the soup like kilkenny cunts always did


Are the government legally allowed to close them I wonder

Covid 19/2020 Rave to the grave.

Rugani the Juve player has it.

Itā€™s amazing what powers governments have in an emergency. Financial crisis showed they could do what they want and pandemic just confirms it - they can shut down places, impose mandatory quarantines under Infectious Diseases SI

13 Prevention of the spread of infection. 13. ā€”(1) On becoming aware, whether from a notification or intimation under these Regulations or otherwise, of a case or a suspected case of an infectious disease or of a probable source of infection with an infectious disease in his district, the chief medical officer or the district medical officer or other health officer acting on the instructions of the chief medical officer shall make such inquiries and take such steps as are necessary or desirable for investigating the nature and source of the infection, for preventing the spread of infection and for removing conditions favourable to infection.
(2) A chief medical officer may in particular, having regard to the circumstances of each case and the nature of the disease, require
( a ) an adult person to remain in his home or the parent of a child to keep such child in his home and such adult person or parent to take in his home precautions by way of isolation or otherwise against the spread of infection,
( b ) an adult person to remain away from a specified place or places (which may include his home) or the parent of a child to keep such child away from a specified place or places (which may include his home),
( c ) a person to discontinue any occupation in relation to food or drink for human consumption or in relation to the nursing of the sick or the care of children or any other occupation where there is special danger of his spreading infection,
( d ) the compulsory cleansing, disinfection or disinfestation of persons, buildings, structures, vehicles, vessels, aircraft or articles.