The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Was always inevitable the Old Lady of Football would be hit first.

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Putin pulled a right stroke over in Russia, they passed legislation saying the president could only serve two terms from now on. But basically resetting the clock for him to zero, so he can serve another two terms. There was protests organised in Moscow but they werenā€™t allowed due to fears of the corona virus. Some operator.


Right on cue

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Italy have ordered all shops other than pharmacies and food shops to close.

Thereā€™s Inter gone too

what number do we need to hit before we look at lock down?

Pol Pot was a big man for that too. I guess this makes him Pol Putin.

Supposedly he wants to retire, but its like the Pope, thereā€™s no place for an ex dictator

What was the last year the All-Ireland wasnā€™t completed in the calendar year?

Iā€™m looking foward to the 2020 final being played in April 2022.

Yeah Iā€™d say he wants to retire alright, like Frank Murphy wanted to retire.

Everything will be going ahead as normal by May, if not weā€™re fucked altogether

this lad Kingston Mills on TV3, from Trinners. He is flat out on the radio and tele these days!

Nina Burns kind on the eye and a nice way about her

The all ireland club is never completed in the calendar year

May 2022?

Thereā€™s fellas making a serious career out of this outbreak.

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Neither is the NFL season. Or the Premier League. Or the PDC World Darts Championship.

There are still new cases in china and theyā€™re 3 months in with severe restrictions. Theyā€™ve brought the curve down but they are still in the throes of it

You gotta be ready to go when opportunity strikes.
