The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Another one.

First infection possibly as early as December 1, the first cluster of pneumonia cases were in late December.

UCC shutting out and going online from tomorrow

Iā€™m entirely serious when I say that such disinformation as Trump has spread/plans to spread below is evil.

I canā€™t think of a bigger definition of being a traitor to your country than putting the lives of many thousands of its people, perhaps many millions, at risk because you donā€™t like reality and donā€™t want to acknowledge it because you think it might hurt your election chances.

How tragic for America to have this bastard in charge at any time, but especially now.

Deckchairs on the Titanic springs to mindā€¦


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Well lads, anyone hearing of shutdown announcement?

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Thatā€™s not bad going for the USA

Has it been announced?

Spent the whole day on the preparation in my place today. Expect that almost everyone will work remotely from next week. Called into a shop for a few bits and pieces this evening. Cleaned out.

donā€™t even dream about coming homeā€¦ Stay exactly where you are.

I was supposed to come back this weekend for a confirmation inside in town, going to cancel.

Good man.

From the thread:

Is the bold bit true? Shocking if it is.

Flights still continue to fly into Dublin airport from Northern Italy even today. No-one on those flights will be traced by the HSE, left free to return to their communities and potentially spread cv. The HSE still donā€™t advise isolation after returning from a red zone.

Most successful countries closed schools early. We didnā€™t.

So the WHOā€™s plaudits are to be taken with a mountain of salt.

Our delays have been disastrous. My criticisms of the HSE are valid and most people think the same.

Thatā€™s nuts

how the Fuck are we only on 30 odd cases

Like the Romans the virus fears the Celts.

S[quote=ā€œbalbec, post:4642, topic:30233, full:trueā€]
I was supposed to come back this weekend for a confirmation inside in town, going to cancel.

Wire through the money and the kid wonā€™t really give a shit