The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

My missus was due to fly out to poland tomorrow but cancelled

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81 cases in Iceland. A huge number in such a small population. What happened there I wonder?

Rudy Gobert a late scratch, feeling unwell, and the players have got togetherā€¦more as I get itā€¦

Proper testing?

The stuff in this article reminds me of the stories of the hospitals after the poison gas attack at Ypres in World War I. Weā€™re in for one hell of a bumpy ride, it will be horrible.

ā€œAt Niguarda, the other big hospital in Milan, they are not intubating anyone over 60, which is really, really young.ā€

She added: "This virus is so infectious that the only way to avoid a ā€˜massacreā€™ is to have the least number possible getting infected over the longest possible timescale.

"Right now, if we get 10,000 people in Italy in need of ventilators - when we only have 3,000 in the country - 7,000 people will die.

"Rome right now is like where Milan was 10 days ago. In 10 days there has been an incredible escalation.

"Lombardy, which has the best healthcare in the country, is collapsing, so I donā€™t dare to think what would happen in less efficient regions.

"Weā€™ve had no critical cases among children but with children, viruses are much less aggressive - think chickenpox or measles.

"But the very young are crazy carriers.

ā€œA child with no symptoms will go to visit its grandparents, and basically kill them. So itā€™s essential to avoid contact between themā€.

He added: "You have no idea how many young people are here, I mean even 20-year-olds with no underlying conditions, in need of assisted breathing because of horrible pneumonia.

ā€œThere arenā€™t the resources to screen doctors for Covid-19 anymore - theyā€™re just telling them ā€˜stay home if you have symptoms, otherwise come to workā€™.ā€

He continued: "Non-specialised medical graduates are being brought in.

ā€œAt Milanā€™s Policlinico hospital they are dealing with 50 new pneumonia cases every dayā€.

The World Health Organisation ranks Italy second in the world for health care provision, with only France rated higher. The UK is 18th.

That is across the whole country, but Lombardy is the richest region in Italy and likely to be way ahead of some regions in the south.

And yet even a system as good as this is teetering on the brink.

How would the NHS cope if - or perhaps we should say when - our infection rate is as high as Italyā€™s?

Letā€™s hope the Italian experience is giving us time to prepare.

A 30 day ban on all travel from Europe to the US.

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I went out the front for a smoke just after Atletico Madrid scored their second goal tonight. After about two minutes a big crowd of drunk students came rambling down the road past my house, one of them was shouting about being from Cavan in a Cavan accent, and also shouting ā€œfuck the Coronavirus, weā€™re gettinā€™ pissedā€.

On the weekend, an old friend of mine came to the city I live in. He said he was coming ā€œCoronavirus or no Coronavirusā€, which meant I spent both Friday and Saturday night in the pub, and one of the pubs on Friday was noisy, which means you needed to shout to be heard.

I was then at a funeral of a close family friend on Monday, and there were many handshakes, and after it, I got pissed. A mutual friend I was drinking with wasnā€™t taking the virus seriously, despite my protestations. Then when he left I drank in two more pubs until after midnight.

In hindsight Iā€™d have much preferred if my friend had not come to visit, and Iā€™d certainly have much preferred if my family friend had not died, meaning I spent most of Monday drinking.

The nice things that make society tick, being dragged out to go to the pub, basic politeness even like shaking hands with people, could end up being the death of some of us yet.

Actually, on my part, now would be a very good time to give up smoking.

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Give up them fags Sid

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Thatā€™s a great message, letā€™s hope he still lurks here.

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Trumpā€™s speech has gone down like the Hindenburg, and rightly so.

Is travel suspended from Ireland and America ?

Any reason why he is still permitting the UK to travel there? Other than they have also had their heads buried in the sand when it has come to this virus.

From now? Are the pattys day parades cancelled?


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E.U or Europe ?

Tom Hanks has itā€¦

Fuck Trump. Heā€™s some cunt. Againā€¦