The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage, Arron Banks, Brexit


What a time to be alive.

I have a mental video of the Apres Match Frank Stapleton saying “I think that went well” playing in my head.

The same lads who were calling for a ban on flights from Italy to Ireland are now crying foul at the US banning flights from Italy.

You simply couldn’t make it up.

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Can you please quote any evidence which backs up your post?

NBA has suspended the season.

EPL to be played behind closed doors.

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May as well watch the end of this dallas v denver game so

No Basketball Anymore

Holy shit

Bye bye gaa season


Hope everyone has stocked up on box sets to watch.

Well that’s upsetting on a personal level.

More than closed doors you reckon? The wildly unpopular LOI gonna be the only show in town.

Appears Ireland are not on the Donald’s banned list.

Apparently he is unaware that we are a different country.

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The Sinn Fein crew will be seething :joy:

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