The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Silver linings

We’ll have a week or two of a hiatus.

TBH honest, nobody knows anything about anything right now. Unless you’ve a crystall ball, it’s impossible to know how this plays out. Having said that, 2 week suspension followed by closed door games.

As far as America is concerned the seemingly inevitable outcome is that Trump will attempt to use the Coronavirus to get the election cancelled and stay in power effectively as a dictator.

Nobody should dismiss this prospect for one second.

The U.S needs stability above all else and President Trump would be absolutely correct to put politics aside and put all focus on the safety of the nation and its people in this harrowing time. Only a real fanatic would push for millions of voters converging together at polling stations, unless of course you are a crazy leftist who wishes for the virus to cause as much death as possible on Mr Trumps watch.

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You were actively shouting for natural selection and to let it run its course so it would only kill the old and the weak only a few days ago. You pig

You are some whinger I have you driven demented since :grin:

Ireland not included in US travel ban.

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The world is really fucked if/when a proper killer virus takes place, what’s a “proper killer” you say? Well one that spreads like this one(maybe alot faster) only you contract it and it may as well be pancreatic cancer.

There are 80000 people working in SSC’s , BPO’s and IT centres just in krakow. There is no incoming travel all corporate trips are cancelled. The hotels and restaurants are getting a kicking.

I think some politicians decided last week not to go over… Michelle ONeill did anyway, not sure about Leo.

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The virus will be wiped out in a week.

Have they issued a warrant yet?

Strong leadership from Trump. @Dziekanowski will be seething when he wakes up at 11:00.


Things are ramping up now. The US is fucked. Place is riddled

The horse has bolted mate - we all needed to ban Italian flights 2 weeks ago.