The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

We’re too kind.

Not any more — The Irish army are on it.

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It’s remarkable that a leading expert on virology, economics, politics, history, NBA, music, psychology and Europe doesnt know where Europe is.


This headline in this shit newspaper might help him

Wan of the lead wans from WHO said last night that S. Korea has done so well because it told people exactly where the outbreak of infections were… not east, south…

So NZ have told all people coming into the country to self isolate for 14 days - they’re winning.
S. Korea is telling people where exactly the virus is - they’re winning
N. Korea is shooting dead anyone with a fever or cough - they have no reported cases.

Can we implement any of these measures here?

Our military would probably miss

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Any of those countries allowing upwards of 200,000 people to congregate in one place for 4 days before returning back to their own towns?


Not that I know of.

Anybody coming back from anywhere with community transmission should be now self isolating.

People need to start to take personal responsibility as well.

Get used to seeing this fellow - He basically predicted a Zombie Apocolyspe/Omega man type situation on the Tonight show with Podge and Rodge on Tuesday night.

I can only imagine the Irish government trying to deal with this. :joy:

It has largely subsided over here. Zero dead. The Singapore government knows whats up. :clap:

You may already be dead

Looks like we had plenty of warning

Alive and kicking mate. Have you worked out how to wear the mask yet?

What measures did they take in Singapore?

They learnt from Sars

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