The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Im doing biotech so one of the advantages is having a lecturer who loves the sound of his own voice
on tuesday , he advised us to leave the building, said this is an 8 to 9 month process, preprations are in place for the may exams that wont involve 800 in a sports hall, we need to get used to living in a differemt world and the real concern now is how we will deal with the september 2020 semester

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It puts it on its skin

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The Muslims in Poland have announced that they will cancel Friday prayers this week. The Catholic Church has increased the number of masses.


God will save us, donate generously.

The decision to let flights continue from Italy unchecked for weeks and thousands upon thousands gather for Cheltenham will look even dumber with each passing day.

Strong decisive leadership from President Trump there. That measure will save lives.


The late, great Pope John Paul a massive loss at a time like this.

Varadkar keeps saying he’s taking advice from the experts … he is in his bollix - He’s following whatever the EU fiscal experts are telling him or copying Boris.


Ah yes - Professor John Corona.

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The global coronavirus pandemic is likely to be over by June, Zhong Nanshan, the Chinese government’s senior medical adviser, said.

A lot of imported cases into China are asymptomatic patients and the re-infection rates among recovered patients is low, the 83-year-old epidemiologist renowned for helping combat the SARS outbreak in 2003, told a news conference

Any of you self employed lads that deal with the public tempted to shut up shop?

Hopefully we have only 5 months or so of this to put down with everything returning to relative normal in late July/early August just in time for the NFL pre season.

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Is that financially doable for most people?

Probably not — My mrs is fretting here about locking up shop. Not sure what way to go.

So Boris was right, we should all just get it and get it over with. Survival of the fittest and all that.

The planet heals itself.

Ciara knows

Meanwhile, Tom is being cared for


What measures were taken? Stop eating dog?

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