The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Can by the tinder with extra likes for a month?

17 euro a month though

All club gaa activity in Dublin to be stopped until the 29th of march


What good is tinder if ye can only touch elbows

Jesus wept. You would to be able to see through their clothes for that.

where you seeing that? I presume everyone will follow suit

Hello @StoneCold

Just got a message from a club mate who is well got. Announcement expected shortly

I’m in a JCB with @Tassotti on my way to Aldi


Later this afternoon the GAA are calling it.

He could have announced he’s discovered a cure and he wouldn’t get any credit on here


Horse racing in Ireland to be stopped for two weeks.

House them in slated sheds.

Somebody somewhere is making an absolute fortune of money off this.

Its official. Dublin GAA setting the example again. :clap:

There was an auld wan reaching for the last can of tuna in Tesco there. I fucking lifted her out of it with a shoulder