The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Shit just got real.

They dont live here I believe…

Absolute kornage. Let’s hope Breffni and partner will be ok.

They don’t even live in Ireland. Just have dual citizenship, Ireland and I’m assuming the UK.

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Some tans who got their passports of convenience after the brexit vote.

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Russia has banned entry by Chinese nationals

Now over 2,000 dead , with over 75,000 confirmed cases globally.

Have you a growth chart since day zero?

Ya. I’m just coming up on 5ft now.


It’s on this, not updated for today yet.

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Confirmed coronavirus death toll:

February 18: 2,007 people
February 11: 1,113 people
February 4: 490 people
January 28: 132 people
January 21: 9 people

:eek: :eek:

This century’s The Wreck of the Titan.

Synchronicity is a great auld topic to waste a few internet hours on.

That’s almost vertical. Jesus

I heard today that the 2 Irish people in Japan with this are a PayPal supervisor and her husband who were on the last day or two of their holiday when the ship got canned.

This outbreak, along with the rapid spread of those infected on the Diamond Princess, is a bit concerning. A super spreader member of some cult church in S Korea has infected 37 other people who attended the same church, with a total of 90 showing symptoms (38 of those including the super spreader confirmed).

WHO says new infection rate still falling. 7 deaths out of just over 1000 infected outside China at the moment, so fatality rate would seem to be a bit less than 1%, but obviously some of those people are still not in the clear.
Half of that 1,000 are from the cruise ship. Someone majorly fucked up there.

Only 394 new cases reported in China overnight, a drastic drop. China has revised (again) it’s diagnostic criteria to exclude “clinically diagnosed” from the confirmed number in Hubei and put them in the suspected number. Clinically diagnosed are those confirmed by symptoms and CT scans. This brings Hubei in line with other Chinese provinces where clinically diagnosed means suspected.

Sounds a bit fishy.

The WHO seem to be very happy with China and confident in their numbers. I’m not sure how they could be really. Have they been bought? Maybe they are worried they won’t be allowed play any gigs in China if they say different?

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