The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Shite - is that from a media source?
It was circulating as a rumour yesterday.

Well the poster in question does think that China is doing a fantastic job. Scratch a socialist and you find a totalitarian.

This is my favourite update so far from the RTE Disaster tracker

On the decision to close schools from tomorrow until 29 March, INTO General Secretary John Boyle said: "This important and timely decision, in light of a growing public health crisis, is welcome.

"INTO will be attending a briefing with the Department of Education and Skills this afternoon.

“I know our members will all rise to the challenge we face, in the proudest tradition of our profession, as we grapple with this unprecedented public health crisis.”

Have I missed something - are the goverment sending all the teachers into the frontline of our hospitals to mop the brows of the nurses and doctors or something or are they heading home for a couple of weeks “in the proudest tradition of our profession” :joy: :joy:


cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

Sure look it - yesterday the government should have suspended all travel weeks ago but then Trump went and did something similar and that idea isn’t as popular anymore

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In some respects he is - because he’s deliberately dramatic - but in some respects he isn’t, because he’s actually calling for measures which probably do need to be taken but which politicians clearly have not wanted to take in proactive (rather than reactive) fashion.

We do not have lockdown. But the public health reality is we almost certainly need to have it.

I guess what needs to be going on here is sort of like the discussions that go on behind dressing room doors with managers and football teams.

Publicly a sort of calm needs to be projected, but of the realistic variety, not of the “everything is going to be fine” variety - and behind closed doors, the discussions need to be of the “read the fucking riot act” variety.

Politicians control the country, not public health experts. If anybody thinks that public health experts have not been playing with one hand tied behind their back because politicians by nature are incredibly reluctant to proactively introduce draconian measures before it becomes appparent they have no choice, they’re deluded. That’s what has no doubt gone on here, and in pretty much every country, not just Ireland.

Like a real life version of Hot or Not?

Have they upped testing?

You’re making that narrative up rather than it being actually real because you’re more interested in scoring political points on this forum to push a Fine Gael line. It’s pretty irritating when people do that.

What Trump has done is cobbled together some pointless (because they’re not compehensive, but piecemeal and influenced by his agenda, not public health) and contradictory rules about travel and specifically framed the problem as a problem brought about foreigners - ie. he’s playing to his domestic fascist agenda, while continuing to make a complete hames of dealing domestically with the actual public health problem.

US company up here is going that.

Do you live near me?

There was a meeting in UHL during the week, all the doctors were brought in to be briefed. Just after it started one of them stood up and said something all the lines of “is it not absolute fucking madness that we are all in the one room together?” Meeting ended shortly afterwards.



They are so opportunistic. They’ll be fucking abroad to Chicago for 2 weeks

For some reason that reminds me of the presumably apocryphal story about the two people who know the secret ingredient in Coca-Cola never being allowed to travel on the same plane.

Ah would you stop. The irony is off the charts here …


That’s exactly what you’re doing though and it’s notable you haven’t argued with any of the points.

I’d imagine it’s very easy to find out the chemical composition of Coca Cola these days. The secret ingredient is cocaine anyway


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I couldn’t be arsed getting into an argument with you about it. It’s beyond pointless at times. You don’t want to discuss issues - you want people to listen and nod.

Yes, I know, that means you’ve won. Your unbeaten record on TFK continues untouched …


I am discussing the issues though. You aren’t. You’re trying to spin a made up narrative not to actually argue the issues but to try and “get one over” on another poster, ie. me.

Dr. Tony Holohan is of good East Limerick stock being a son of Bridget Ryan Luke from Cappamore.

We’re in safe hands.