The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Will get fooled again?

Who would have thought impounding a load of pensioners on a ship with a virus and the odd sandwich would be such a bad idea.


Another 115 deaths in Hubei Province, but number of new cases stays around 450. So after the change in classification the death remains at circa 100 per day and the new cases stay similar to the previous day.

Reports that cases have doubled in Korea, from 52 to 104. Also reports that two of those have died.

94 cases now in Japan as well, one dead (excluding the cruise ship). If it takes hold in Japan and S Korea, the global economy is fucked for a good while.

156 in S Korea now, up 50% in short order.

You’re like the grim reaper

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The world needs truth tellers.

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Yeah they won’t be able to impose draconian control measures in those countries.

Knowledge is power.

I have the Corona virus. Played Rhythm Of The Night three times in a row on YouTube last night, so I did.

God help the corona virus.

Deaths in Italy now.

tenor (1)

Standard 109 deaths in Hubei.
Total deaths up to 2,360
Cases 77,660

They’re just phoning in the Hubei deaths at this stage.

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South Korea reports an additional 142 cases overnight, bringing their total to 346, a 70% increase in one day.

Its a different game now

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Italy has been wiped out.
The game is up.