The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party


All rugby matches and training, at all ages/grades, suspended immediately until further notice.

This is an inherently political issue.

I have some sympathy for the Irish government over it. I think they’re largely acting, or at least attempting to act in good faith in what they’re doing, though I don’t think they’ve been proactive enough.

But if somebody has told people the virus is a hoax, told people it will go away of its own accord, hobbled his own CDC and ignored their advice, threatened a whistleblower, and completely failed to set up an adequate testing regime, they should be vilified for it.

The US president did all that, and then some. I don’t believe in divine providence but this pandemic really does seem a sort of appropriate outcome to the years of insane political charlatanism we’ve experienced throughout the world.

Evil is certainly not too strong a word for how Trump has behaved over this. He cares nowt for the lives of millions of people, he never has done.

Who has to go to work now, I’m on a royaller till after Easter, teaching is a very rewarding profession in so many ways,

I’ll be as fit as a butchers dog


You’ll need to put on a bit of condition to withstand the effects of the virus

Fucking ridiculous carry on in Supermarkets today.


What’s absolutely hilarious is you haven’t said a word about Trump calling the virus a Democrat hoax.

Calling the virus a Democratic hoax is part of the US’s “success” and “mature attitude” in dealing with this, of course. At least according to you it is.

You’re in hiding from me because you can’t debate.

Man City v Real Madrid OFF.

325 been attested from templemore be on the street monday week

Boris Johnson said the coronavirus outbreak was “the worst public health crisis for a generation” and the number of cases could be “much higher” than had been confirmed.

Also in the same Guardian newsfeed just above it

The health minister in Wales , Vaughan Gething, has defended his government’s decision not to order the postponement of the Wales v Scotland rugby match, Steven Morris reports.

The mind boggles

Congrats pal.

MLS have cancelled all fixtures

Dont worry, theyll change sides shortly

It’s looking like now that Liverpool have won their 7th European cup but the wait for a premier league goes on.

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I believe the Desmond Cup clash tonight between Broadford United vs Glantine is ON

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Fucking hell. They are doing a great job though right @Dziekanowski?


Jesus… That’s horrific reading.

One of these countries has a national public health system, one doesn’t.

May their souls find peace.