The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Lads isolated at home for the next three weeks and no hurling.

God help us all.


Itā€™ll be senior hurling on the INTERNET for the next 3 weeks

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Iā€™ve just seen some similar bullshit on linkedin.

I too regularly work from home and I can share some tips;

  1. Strategically time your emails. Donā€™t be lashing them all out as needed. Rather pace them over the course of the day. For extra brownie points, have one written and ready to send out at the end of the day (4pm max) then send it about 7.30 in the evening.
  2. Lash out an email while you are lying in the scratcher in the morning. This will make them think you are already hard at work, while also giving you an option to say, well I started at 7 this morning, so Iā€™m finishing up early this evening.
  3. Cc more people than necessary, so they know you are working
  4. When you are actually working from home with no distractions youā€™d be surprised what can be achieved in a day. A large part of the work day is taken up with nonsense. 5 or 6 20 minute bursts would get you through a days work no bother. Well it would get me through a days work anyway, but I donā€™t work particularly hard.
  5. If you are particularly productive one day, hold back some stuff for a day when youā€™ve done fuck all.
  6. If managed correctly, you can work from home while also attending a wedding or other such event thus saving on leave days (not that this will be an issue for the next few weeks).
  7. If you report to someone, call them a couple of times a day for some makey uppy reasons. This works two fold, it makes them think you are working away, but also it will give them an opportunity to address any issues they might be planning on calling you about. Donā€™t give them the chance to catch you on the hop.

Iā€™ll update with more when they come to me


The Johns Hopkins tracking map is broken, not a good sign.

China and Italy have done a far better job of dealing with this crisis and thatā€™s widely acknowledged internationally.

China fucked up right at the beginning. Everybody knows that. Since then, theyā€™ve bought the world time.

China and Italy have tested on a massive scale and introduced real, serious measures to combat the virus.

The US has not.

You yourself have said that the spread of the virus is uncontrollable, so we can take anything you say and toss it to one side as totally worthless.

The US has tested 5 (five) people per million. That is a total disgrace, yet you somehow think itā€™s a success.

Trump has called the virus a hoax and a Democratic conspiracy. He has told the people of the USA that the virus will simply go away. He has hobbled his own CDC and disregarded their advice and put people at risk. He has pushed an anti-science narrative at every turn. And now he probably has it himself. He is only out to protect himself, not the people of the USA.

You think calling the virus a hoax and saying that it will go away is admirable.

The problem you have is youā€™re desperate to defend Trump at all costs and thatā€™s leading you to make a total fool of yourself.

As always.

Italian inaction is the reason its on our shores, but lets blame Trumpā€¦


Huh? Italy have made an absolute bollix of this.


Everybody has made a bollix of it to some degree. Italy less so than the US.

Itā€™s an inconvenient fact for some lads here, and thatā€™s why theyā€™re seething over it.

Live footage of Galway city coming in now.


Something something right-wing Trump :man_shrugging:t2:

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He has even a serial internet winner like Sidā€™s life absolutely destroyed

Itā€™s increasingly difficult to even begin to understand the position of leftists on this one. The latest narrative over here from the loons is that itā€™s racist to claim the virus originated in China or call it the Wuhan virus where it originated.


Did I blame Trump for the virus being in Ireland? Answer the question, now.

Why do you talk about Italian inaction? Why not Irish inaction, given that the problem you refer to is an Irish one? As of yesterday, people coming into Ireland from a red zone like Italy were being waved on as if the situation was normal and not being told to self-isolate.

Whereā€™s that personal responsibility that right-wingers like to talk about? Oh yeah, gone missing again when it conveniently suits.

Italy banned flights from China, by the way.

Do you think we should we ban flights from the US, given that they have more cases, and more cases in the areas where flights are coming from?

Can posters stop trying to score left / right political points on this.

The virus doesnt recognize political ideology - we all need to row in together here.

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I bought a bag of milky way magic stars in preparation for self isolation but Iā€™ve eaten them all already.

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The virus is from China. Itā€™s clearly a commy

Are you going with some sort of weird culture wars narrative now as a last resort given that youā€™re all out of ideas after making a fool of yourself running with the narrative that telling people the virus is a hoax, saying it will go aaway of its own accord, and conducting 5 tests per million is successfully dealing with the problem?

I realize youā€™re new here but thereā€™s only one poster who does that consistently.

There used to be another one but he is now most definitely gone from the forum

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I know youā€™ll rise above it.

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