The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Who said Italy was doing a great job? Nobody. Are you disputing this?

Have they been more responsible than many other countries? Undoubtedly.

Numbers of people infected does not equal quality of response.

South Korea has a massive problem with this pandemic in terms of numbers infected yet their response has been universally praised as exemplary.

Yet to listen to certain know it alls here, they’re clueless.

Their death rate is a fraction of Italy’s, praise SK all you want

All Flyefits closed now. Ffs sake


Who here said “Italy is doing a great job” though?

A number of posters have made this allegation and haven’t backed it up.

Disinformation not misinformation but apart from that Biden is spot on.

However @anon7035031 will be seething at what he sees as Biden “politicising” this, what a cliche when you’ve nothing of value to say.

The absence of actual football is going to catapult competitive computer football into the mainstream.

I was talking to a lad that was actually in Bejing since this thing started and he said that the Chinese are doing incredible work in terms of testing and monitoring people. He had his temperature taken every day at some point.

Irish experts reckon this is a waste of time.

This is the best advice you can ever give anyone.

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Careful now, lads here will be calling you a conspiracy theorist.

Lies will solve all this! At least if you’re to believe @anon7035031.

This Tom Cotton guy is seen as a rising star in the Republican party and a possible presidential nominee in 2024.

That he is such tells you just how fucking insane, intellectually bankrupt and rejecting of reality and reason the Republican party is.

Here he is again repeating his baseless conspiracy theory that the virus is a Chinese bioweapon.

Deary me

27 new cases. 6 in ICU.


The new cases were confirmed to be:

  • 22 cases associated with local transmission
  • 2 associated with community transmission,
  • 3 associated with travel

Doctor in Clare on ventilation in ICU. #pray

By god.

Time to take a break from here


Boris is some ticket. No evidence to suggest closing schools will help. In fact may do more harm than good.

For real?