The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Do you honestly believe that your boss doesn’t know all this?

Ulster GAA looking for clarification as to where they stand

Pariahs. Outsiders. Unwanted.


They need to be less vague about the cases locality.

I’d very much like to know if it was in my community


Did they knock over your ferrero Roche display?

You’ll need to be on the list

Did he have any health issues?
Is he old?

Cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy


They could have. Be fucked if they think we were going to rebuild it. Cunts couldnt get enough nutella or kinder. Managers must think Im fucking willie wonka

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Understandable all sport will be on hold until mid april

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U.L. has emailed today saying not to expect traditional exams in may. Will be either continuous assessment or online open book exams.

No hard copy or thesis needed soft copies only

I really know fuck all about the following but I’m sure we must have a few experts here on the subject so I live in hope of an answer.

We have many teams worldwide trying to develop a vaccine and that’s great.

But it seems ventilators are like gold dust in treating people with this virus/disease. When you run out of ventilators like Italy has done, that’s when the death rate skyrockets.

How long does it take to manufacture a ventilator, who manufactures them, where, and can a multilateral international plan to bulk manufacture ventilators at short notice, a plan sort of like you’d get in a World War, be put in place?

How long would it take to bear fruit?



The Serbian President looking healthy at a press conference discusssing Coronavirus today:


Sid, no one gives a rattlers about Trump or the USA okay. Give it a fucking rest.

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They’re probably all made in China.

Tom Hanks has apparently caught this virus. He’ll beat it I’d imagine.
Wasn’t he out of sorts years ago in Philadelphia.

I’ll get my coat…


Anyone get the video of the people going out the side door of the Clayton :mask:

No. This is an inherently international story. You don’t get to decide what’s discussed here and what isn’t. You also don’t have to respond to posts which for some reason offend you.