The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

The notion that flights would be shut down between countries would have seemed highly unlikely up to very recently.

Peopleā€™s sense of the risk of unlikely things happening, at very short notice, is shifting rapidly

I think thatā€™s very naive.

Iā€™d say the cocaine trade is going to go off a cliff in the next few weeks.

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Iā€™ve learned a lot about how fucking stupid Irish people are in the past few days, particularly my top-CEO peer group.

One lad is due to go skiing at the weekend. He is rethinking. A mate pipes in ā€œit will be grand, just avoid old people and your parents for 2 weeks after you get home.ā€

What about the rest of us?! What about our parents?! Some people are fucking frightening. The country is fucked.

Iā€™m calling for 1000+ cases within 7 days.


Anyone with an ounce of class will have a bidet installed in their house.


So everyone rushes to crowded supermarkets to act like a pig so they have enough food to avoidā€¦ crowdsā€¦:thinking:

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Did Cork Gaa not implement a ban?

Premier league darts on live from Liverpool now. Few thousand drunks slobbering over each other. Have the Brits taken leave of their senses?


Our medical device industry might save us yet.

Mind you thereā€™s a great game on now.

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Iā€™d say Darts would be fair shit behind closed doors

Thereā€™s already 1000 cases here

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Guy I know, just back from Andorra. Heā€™s in the hospital now with a fever. Tested this evening, will know tomorrow.


Bidet sales will be through the roof after this.

PDC scum

Couple I know went off there on Sunday, took the oldest left the other 2 with grandparents. Reckless


Absolute mind boggling stuff

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What a couple of cunthookses

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