The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Point taken. On that note:-

TFK Exclusive- Monaghan Has Fallen

The story is there was a group of lads from Monaghan and Belfast who went skiing. They come back and the Belfast one gets very sick. He goes to hospital in Belfast but his test results wonā€™t be back for a few days. The Monaghan lad starts feeling sick too. He goes and asks for a test south of the border but they say no because his Belfast friend who he was on holidays with hasnā€™t tested positive yet. Test results are still outstanding. He asks for a letter telling him to self-isolate so he can get off work and they say no, he doesnt fit the criteria. He has to work.

The kicker: heā€™s a pharmacist. So the half of Monaghan will be infected now.

@Tim_Riggins how can you defend this?

Galway ventilators for those who live in Galway!

Do you know something about the supply chain?

Why would Tim be defending the Monaghan lads who went skiing?

I know Iā€™m new here but I just wanted to say that I love you all. Please check in on any pensioners you know. Lots on a tight weekly budget will be facing empty shelves tomorrow.

Iā€™m a little bit tipsy





I worry shop workers may start to call in sick or decide to stay out of work. ā‚¬305 a week is well intentioned but thereā€™s a big chance we will see abuse of the system, because people are afraid.

The culture of individualism in our society is not going to serve us particularly well in all this I fear.

Nationalism and group identity is often highly dangerous but the ethos the Chinese have is much better suited to dealing with this.

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In fairness I think as a nation we are very good to step up to the plate at times like this but this fucking thing might be impossible to stop.


Huge credit due to the BDO who were a very early adopter of stringent safety measures after news of this virus came to light - they have played all tournaments since the World Pro without any spectators.

Exemplary leadership from CEO Des Jacklin and staff.


Pretty much what I feel too.

Usually a war cleans them out every few generations.

One thing I havenā€™t been able to figure out, if youā€™ve already had it, can you get it again or carry it again? If theres no vaccine we will be in containment for a long long time.

Can we have more of these whimsical contributions and less of the batshit crazy potential school shooter political fanatic ones please?

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The evidence is weak so far about contracting it again. There was a report of one woman in China who had

I feel Iā€™m equally good at both.

China say reinfection rates are very low and often asymptomatic so we will develop herd immunity

I think the exact opposite. I think weā€™ve changed as a people, weā€™re selfish, weā€™re in deep denial, we dont respect rules and nothing on earth will keep us out if the pub, not even certain death.

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Thatā€™s good.

The situation is fluid

Went to my local super valu just now some shelves like bread fruit and rice pasta etc were low but apart from that it was like a normal late evening shop. Got what I needed in comfort and went on my way.

People took leave of their senses earlier today.

PS I got :toilet: rolls just because they were there