The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Very weak. I’d say weak to the point of pretty much non-existent at this stage. Herd immunity is ultimately what will likely diminish this as a long term threat, but that would still require a very large proportion of the world’s population to contract this virus and come through it, which means a very large amount of deaths.

Yeah but that would be to say that we’ve never had many people like that, which I think is very naive - I think we’ve always had many people like that. Rose tinted glasses of the past.

With the irresponsible and reckless behaviour of some governments then without a vaccine that unfortunately looks a real possibility

If it behaves like other viruses, it’s extremely unlikely you can get reinfected. I think the one case that was reported in Japan was a woman who had a relapse but the same illness. Once you fight it off and develop immunity, you won’t get infected with that same virus again, or any mutation close to it. But your second point is a worry, as if it mutates to another variation like the flu does and comes back next season, we could be facing another pandemic. I would be reasonably confident we will have a vaccine at that stage, how effective is another story.

You’d have to really ask whether all this effort is going to be worth it if we start getting subjected to this sort of shite


Youd think hed just let the woman grieve


Experts in virology: are there other viruses that you can contact multiple times? Obviously you can only get chickenpox once but I thought I heard once that you can catch shingles or mumps or one of those things again?

Yep. Jeremy Hunt who was until quite recently UK Health Secretary was on C4 News this evening and he was, very politely, absolutely scathing of the UK Government’s response.

@dodgy_keeper you hear anything about Rathkeale??

What was he saying?

It’s full to the gills with Tinkers?

You can get chickenpox more than once, but it’s extremely rare, and you can get shingles even if you have had chicken pox. Shingles is caused by the same virus as chickenpox but is a different illness. A general rule of thumb is once you develop antibodies to a specific virus you will not develop the same illness again as your immune system will quickly kill the virus.

Supposedly 6 less tinkers after the week.

Shingles is something you get after you’ve had chickenpox as an adult I thought.

Let’s focus on the one horrible virus at a time lads

Yes, it’s caused by the same virus. If you are vaccinated against chickepox you are less likely to get shingles later in life.

Heard they came back from italy via different routes. Came into doctors roaring and shouting about fevers is what I heard

“Supposedly” and I stress supposedly!.. 6 of em dead from it anyway! Prob bullshit but who knows :man_shrugging:t2::man_shrugging:t2::man_shrugging:t2:

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He basically said there are several Asian countries who have been pretty exemplary in their response, that there are certain measures which have been proven to be effective such as social distancing and banning mass gatherings, and that the UK Government was pretty much Nero fiddling as Rome burns.

I’m no particular fan of Hunt, but he is a serious politician who exists in a reality-based universe and appears to have his head firmly screwed on on this topic.