The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

All I heard was hearsay but we need to take silver linings in a crisis


Thanks. Was he culled by Johnson?

Simon Coveney coming across poorly here on prime time. A lot of stuttering

The man has been front and centre through all this. He is absolutely exhausted I’d say.

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In the video with this, Boris has a particularly haunted rabbit-in-the-headlights look about him

agreed. he coming across ok in my opinion all things considered

He is never a fluent speaker . Always a bit stuttery

He was Johnson’s final opponent in the 2019 Tory leadership contest and is currently a backbencher after refusing a cabinet position. I think at heart he’s a sort of One Nation Tory type. Was a Remainer.

There was a representative on from the NHS Nuurses Union, Jenny Vaughan is her name, who said that the shortage of nurses brought about by Brexit is going to massively hamper the actual medical response in British hospitals. Even with more ventilators, you need more nurses to oversee them.

I can’t remember the exact figure but I think she said something along the lines that Lombardy actually has nearly twice as many ventilators per capita as Britain.

This Margaret Harris one looks like she is using a snapchat filter

I was thinking about contact tracing earlier. These days almost everyone has their phone with GPS on constantly, tracking where you were, what establishments etc.

Surely it’s possible to create an application that contains routes of people who have contracted the virus, where a person could compare their data against it and check if they’ve been in close proximity.

Might be good for early detection, pre symptoms

Would you think about it often?

Ciara kelly on the tonight show saying there are several hundred people with the virus on the island.

I have been recently. I’m going to try get involved. I’m not working anyway

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The big brother GDPR bells would go off. Special emergency legislation would be needed to allow for it at the very least

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Been a lot of talk for the past week. There’s been a number of funerals and weddings recently where a lot of them have supposedly travelled back from Northern Italy.

What did you hear?

I do hate :wink: to bring political ideology into this again but this crisis is going to show once and for all that the cliche of “small government good” is truly nuts, especially as regards healthcare.

Massive government intervention on a previously undreamed of scale is going to be essential to have any hope of tackling this crisis.

I’d say it’s pretty much a given at this stage that every private hospital in this state will have to be commandeered by the government to treat those afflicted and all non-essential procedures and appointments cancelled. That’s certainly the outcome the government should be preparing for anyway.

That’s the thing. Youd need the persons consent obviously. But it could be completely anonymous. If you had the raw data set of the infected person and compared with your raw data set, you could get a close enough approximation of contact.

Not heard anything, pal. I’ll get on to ROD and find out.

Mind you I ate in Bloomers yesterday, if I begin to feel unwell I’ll self isolate immediately…

she is wrong , several thousand I reckon

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Arteta the ex hun has it