The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Anyone else get the voice message with the crackpot Dub talking about the army?

Some kind of waiver might do it, youā€™d surely have some fella like the lad in Sth Korea that was playing offside and got caught rotten. Not sure would the Irish lad 'fess up in the same scenario.

This and Brexit. He has been absolutely outstanding on both. A superb politician and itā€™ll be a travesty if heā€™s never Taoiseach.

Though it might not be popular to say, we genuinely have a very good standard of politician up at the ā€˜higher endā€™ of things. Mary Lou, Coveney, MĆ­cheĆ”l Martin and Leo all streets ahead of that fuckin clown in Britain and the other bollox in Washington for example. Pearse Doherty another. I genuinely think Coveney is superb though


This is being used in other countries.

Ok. It makes perfect sense. I donā€™t know how itā€™s being done here at the moment but I imagine itā€™s being done manually, an awful lot of avoidable grunt work etc

as much as we give out about our leading politicans, I agree with your sentiments above

They are out of their tiny little minds Siobhan

It neednā€™t be public, you log in, check the data, see youā€™re at risk and contact the health services. Give control to the user rather than authorities, there would be more buy in, I think


Miriam Oā€™Callaghen painting a picture there that we canā€™t touch anyone or anything for the next year.

Public opinion is now going to rapidly force Johnsonā€™s hand, and footballā€™s hand, in forcing cancellation of sporting events in the same way it forced the measures on our government.

Calling it now that there will be no Premier League action for the foreseeable future.

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Agreed, watched the announcement earlier and Coveney seemed to grow in stature while Harris visibly shrinked along side him.

There is heaps of students at a loose end now and will be loads of hospitality staff looking for work too. Casual labour unlikely to be in short supply

Maybe and the age thing might persuade them that thereā€™s less of a risk but Iā€™d say a lot of students will be going back to their family homes and staying there.

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Cold sores are reoccurring viruses arenā€™t they

Hopefully people volunteer for any efforts that are required to contain this. Students could do contact tracing from home for example.


Thatā€™s herpes. Thatā€™s with you for life

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There will be some drinking done in the next while with everybody cooped up at home and no sport on

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I see loads of mammys hawking their teenage kids out for babysitting over the next few weeks on facebook this eveningā€¦

We also like to believe weā€™re a crackpot Banana Republic who canā€™t do anything right and make a balls of everything.

In reality, we actually deal with things like this really well on a government level, and thatā€™s going back a number of years with different governments. We are calm, collected and pretty decisive to be honest. We donā€™t panic and judge things well and are very proportionate. Look at the Foot & Mouth crisis, how weā€™ve dealt with Brexit (to be honest weā€™ve led the way on Brexit throughout), and how weā€™re dealing with this now. I think we will come out of this in better shape than a lot of other EU and neighbouring countries