The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Quite a pathetic lot if thatā€™s the case

I may be a hysterical screaming mary here, but these are potentially life and death situations. Iā€™m finding the response in some quarters to be completely baffling too. Iā€™m hearing anecdotally of various firms in Dublin with wfh home capacity not rolling out that option to staff yet, despite the Taoiseachā€™s statement this morning.

Seamus and Maura still being guided by the office procedures manual or the Service Level Agreement with head office that says this or that report needs to be delivered by working day 10 after month end or whatever. Just let people go home to work and be with their families for a couple of weeks, you cunts. Itā€™s not a normal situation.


Foot and fucking mouth? By god.

Ciara Kelly :heart_eyes:

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I was impressed with the response. A little less so with the timeframe. I think it should have happened earlier. But today was decisive and handled well. It looked for a while like little was happening.

Iā€™ll still say the Cheltenham situation is very bad and Holohan is avoiding questions on it. For all the good work now there are droves arriving back from England where there has been zero containment effort.

Dybala has it as well, Sarri would want to mind himself there with his smoking habits

It just never goes away, once you have HSV-1 (or itā€™s cousin 2) you have it for always. Itā€™s a smart virus that hides from the immune system, which is why itā€™s continues to activate.

Pompeys season is toast too so

Jeremy Hunt on Newsnight now.

Exactly, resources could be better used to set up Mobile Testing which could essentially nip this in the bud.

If we can narrow down the infected and isolate them ( those fortunate enough to be able to isolate ) then it could be controlled at least.

Letā€™s use the technology to help our Medical staff at least. Fuck privacy for the good of the nation.

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He looks haunted

Football seems to be rampant with it

Coveney was obviously seething at the fact itā€™s gone ahead. Said it wouldnā€™t have gone ahead in Ireland.

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Weve built in contact tracing in our pockets. It would save lives

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People are going to come back in unchecked.

They went without even an advisory. Itā€™s a fuck up

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Thatā€™s only because the rugby lads refuse to be tested because itā€™s ā€˜gayā€™

it was evident he was seething

Give it another week and theyā€™ll have to work from home

Nobody from the UK Government available to speak to Newsnight. No extra comment needed about that.

Half the cabinet must be infected regardless?