The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Iā€™m going out for a few pints. Thereā€™ll be nowhere left this time next week

Bring your own glass.

This calls for an investigation by the black doctor.

Everyone should give their missus a dart tonight. Might be dead tomorrow.

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I like your thinking. If I have it, sheā€™s getting it too.

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Very reminiscent of the Black Death and the plague of Justinian

The Japanese have made an absolute cock up of conaining that cruise ship. 23 people were left off it without even being tested. Another woman was left off it after passing whatever test they did, travelled home by train, became unwell to days later and tested positive for the virus.

Another 102 deaths globally brings it up to 2,462

Shitā€™s getting real


Itā€™s grand when the Chinese are burying lads alive but when the footix see a few soccer games get cancelled it starts to get frightening.


I dont like where this is going my manā€¦

Could be a quite March

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Thatā€™s what I was thinkingā€¦

Iā€™m supposed to be going to Tokyo for work in mid-April. I donā€™t see that happening now :frowning:

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can you please explain the smiley face mate?

My sister was on a 16 hour flight to Singapore from San Fran. Her company has offices there as well. As she landed she looked at her emails and was told not to travel as their was potential case in the Singapore office. Only sent about twenty minutes after she took off from San Fran. Stayed in a hotel for three or four hours and got the flight back again.

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Thatā€™s a crying face.

i clicked on it ready to apologise but alas its a ā€œjoyā€ face

Itā€™s joy at not being separated from my family for a week