The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

If the season is voided, all managers who were sacked since the start of the season should get their jobs back when football resumes.

Emery back to Arsenal. Silva back to Everton. Valverde back to Barca.

Tough on the double on Arteta.

Be a long summer with no GAA.

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Is this thing infecting everyone it comes into direct contact with or has there been a few immune?

There’s no immunity…some people judt not showing symptoms but can pass it on.

Find different ways to entertain/better yourself. Read the classics, learn a language, go running. Bond with family.

Get cans in

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You ran out of ideas there at the end


Brad Pitt is immune to it.

I had to wipe sweat off the screen

I’ve read the classics. I run. I spend 22 hours a day with my family.

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The virus wouldn’t bother getting out of bed to infect you.

Learn a language. Learn a skill that will stand you in stead for when we come out the far side

Did posters know that they can register with local library online and can avail of e-books and language resources all free?



Empathy? Consideration?

Meditate, work on yourself, reconnect with nature.

No. Tell me more

Are you standing bye your well get through it thing or are you worried now? Not winding just Curious.

As far as I know, they have language courses and audio + e-books… I must log in again to confirm.


You having serious craic in Cheltenham yeah? :laughing:

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I’m not in cheltenham?