The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Whether boris is telling them to or not, people in the UK are staying at home. The trains were eerily quiet yesterday. St pancras was deserted at rush hour.

The brits can think for themselves. Unlike the micks who’s reaction to any bit of change of routine is to go to the pub. Whether it be a storm, heatwave or a killer flu.

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My auld fella is sure he had it in December. Full sure as he says himself.

He saw what Tony Connelley did for Brexit and he’s grasping the opportunity

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Have you hand sanitizer in the car?

It doesn’t kill the virus.

That was yesterday? Things have changed — all football looks like it will be off, and rightly so.

Housemate is working below in Musgraves, He says they’re flat out below there. Overtime paying triple pay if you want it and an extra 75 euro bonus for every 6 hours worked.

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I have jumped off the Liverpool bandwagon again. No trophies to celebrate

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I’ll keep you a spot just in case.

Fergal really fancies himself as the Tony Connolly of this crisis.

Was on the Guardian

Was sent this on WhatsApp

Message from consultant respiratory paediatrician at cork university hospital . I hope you all stay safe during this difficult time . The children will get through this no problem . Paediatric hospitals are empty in Italy at present after 3 weeks of school closure as the usual viruses stopped circulating . Remember with corona children are vectors not victims . In most epidemics young children are the transmitters . Therefore for school closure to be effective it’s really important that the kids aren’t mixing with other kids while out of school . They will give it to each other silently pass it on to our loved ones. What we do now will contribute to how this develops in cork . Avoid situations that the children will interact . If the community respond to this it will shut it down more than anything we do in hospital . From my experiences in the hospital this last week I would say that corona virus is closer to all of us than we realise and the degrees of separation for all of us is getting narrower . I’m not that good at social media but if this could be shared as widely as possible with parents in cork it will help. This messsge needs to go viral to stop the virus .


Brilliant … I was wondering if I said it was from the consultant respiratory paediatrician would it go viral … thankfully it has worked.


Fairly quiet on the roads this morning

Who in their right mind actually enjoys parades?
