The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

30 mins through cork city and all. A new PB usually 50mins to an hour


Everything to do with Cheltenham at the moment is evil.


Should we be allowed shop Cheltenham attendees? Or carry out our own form of justice?

Interesting times in the UK. I wonder will the grey vote who elected Johnson have some buyers remorse now. Would Corbyn have done anything different or just procrastinate like he usually does. If Brexit didnā€™t pass would they be doing things differently. It seems reckless in the extreme that it is just business as usual. Itā€™s that jingoistic sense pride that always comes to the surface with the Brits but the fall is not far away. There will be anarchy over there.

Bedlam here in Tullamore

You reap what you sow

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Probably not ideal to have the most selfish cunt on the island in No. 10 at the moment.

Letting non contributors die probably makes economic sense in the long term so heā€™s doing just that. The fat, slovenly, smelly cunt.


The whole right wing left wing thing has been done to death on here. But I think this crisis will showcase that every society should find an equilibrium between both.
Every person deserves a fair crack of the whip and private enterprise should never take away from that.

Thatā€™s a very centrist view.

What will be more insufferable, Liverpool fans when they win the league or Liverpool fans for the next 30 years cribbing that this season is declared null and void

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Liverpool is riddled, itā€™s the next Milan/Madrid.

Aintree gone. Mrs Bushā€™s will be devastated.


How about both when the 19/20 season is declared ā€œincompleteā€ and simultaneously Man City are stripped of their 2014 title and Runners up awarded that title.

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