The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party


Stevie G will do a John Terry

Your married to a horse ?

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A troubling one there because Everton haven’t played a game in Europe since 1985 or something

Teachers could be roped in to do contract tracing.

I reckon if we combine this halt on all sporting activities with a ban on all betting on sports it would be very interesting to see which sports actually restarted. You could forget about


for starters.

They were due to play Liverpool Monday , The Toffees best effort in haulting their neighbours from lifting first EPL Title. Decent strategy in fairness to them.

Was going to race her on ladys day. Must be hard to look good and run on soft to heavy ground in heels.

Ah come off it. I’ve a van full of supplies heading for Didsbury. We’ll look after them.

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[quote=“Batigol, post:5611, topic:30233”]
Who in their right mind actually enjoys parades?

Our trophies will be our alive human bodies at the end of all this.

I’m not a Johnson fan but this isn’t a populist move, irrespective of what you believe the efficacy of it will be. At least it is a plan though and one they’ve had for a few weeks, though they were slow initially.

Trump just didn’t have one and it’s unforgivable either way.

The EPL has been suspended — is that going against Boris’ plan?

I guess they have their “experts” on it, but much like Patrick’s Day here, there’s a political inevitability that you need to postpone as the public demand it.

He’s going to take a political battering off it anyway.

Have had staff contact me who work in Dublin Airport. Concerned at lack of measures to protect them from those travelling back into the country from #coronavirus hotspots. One in particular worried about those returning from Cheltenham. Can you reassure them @DublinAirport ???
You whinging to Ming @Bagitol

Hudson Odoi wasn’t even in the Chelsea squad that went to Everton at the weekend. So he didn’t infect Everton. My guess is that the Chelsea squad is riddled with it, possibly picking it up when they went to Bayern.


Or cancel the fucking thing. All sport needs to shut down NOW.