The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Army supposedly going to yellow alert on Monday. The east is riddled with it

This is fucking mental. It’s like asking to be nuclear bombed during the war to get defeat over with.

All guards annual leave cancelled until further notice. They were told expect to be working their days off too

They’d want to isolate all JCBs and diggers in the country too.

Day 1, 23k done in 2hrs, slept in till 730,

4 kids, good company for each other, no real nee to mix with others :+1:


Some people are speculating it’s because of their high smoking rates.

The whole country is pal … dont mind the confirmed cases stats … Not near enough testing and plenty will have mild to little symptoms but can pass it on.

Destruction derby in Tallagh sti going ahead as planned tomorrow night


Take it elsewhere pal. The Liverpool thread maybe — keep this thread relatively on track about the virus.

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I got 3 of those voice messages last night. I’m assuming its all bullshit?

I’m moving operations to the foot of mount Brandon next week.

Got a WhatsApp from a person who was supposedly briefed to escalate for a major crisis.

@anon60384913 is a wind up and at least makes it obvious.

Yet there are genune anti-science idiots on this forum who support calling the virus a hoax and think not testing people for it to protect the stock market, ie. a giant cover up, is the right thing to do.

Stand up @anon7035031.

Fucking cunt.

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Let’s hope natural selection works a charm in his case.

No army are def being roped in and barracks will become isolation wards

Isolation wards make sense if there’s a mass outbreak. However, the idea of the army patrolling the streets to keep people in their homes is a bit ludicrous, given many people still have to travel to work.

more to break up groups i’d say… people can still leave their homes.

Sid I know you care for a relative who’s been sick. I hope you are coping well. If there’s anything I can do let me know. There’s a nobility about caring for somebody worse off than you.

They are being prepared and mobilised in case it gets to that point mac.