The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

They’ve fuck all else to do,it’ll keep them out of the bar.

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Are the barracks not absolutely rammed right now? I heard Dr. Cathal Berry on saying there are two now defunct military hospitals still pumped for oxygen etc. which with a cash injection could be brought online

Now this is some stockpiling I could get on board with. Although not Heineken


First lady of Canada Mrs Trudeau confirmed positive test.

A newly married couple moved into my estate, young. Hes in the army and has been out east on peace keeping. I was chatting to herself and she was saying he is due home in 4 weeks but it’s been extended to 4 + 12 because of this. She wont have seen him in 6 months.

I’ve had a principal and a vice principal friend say that schools may not return until September — does that mean everyone repeats?

They’ll be sent in to the toilet roll aisles of the supermarkets to maintain order Possibly too much expected of them but needs must.

You could be in there pal.


Be lower than riding a prisoners wife.

I’m thinking of upping sticks for a few weeks and heading up to west Mayo, maybe around Belmullet. Rent an Airbnb by the sea with decent broadband and a desk. The plan would be to work a few hours each day, some runs on the beach, some golf in Carne, some seafood, the odd whisky and of course quality time with my wife and daughter. All GAA training is cancelled here and the missus is on maternity leave and office closure is imminent. IBEC actually contacted my employers yesterday for some advice and will be passing it on to other private companies in terms of working remotely and keeping things ticking over.


Will they let you in to Mayo after coming from a red zone?

Colleges can just start people off in January if and when state exams are delayed.

It happens in the US.

Mayo people are the most welcoming of people and have always been good to me. We will practically be in self isolation anyway. I expect it will come out that Cork will be the worst hit zone in the country.

I think so too.

All public transport will be cancelled. Army will take over then. They will also deliver rations to those in mot need and indeed all of us if we prove incapable of exercising self control in this time of crisis, and by that I’m referring to the idiots panicking and stockpiling

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Alright Tim, you’re a top scientist and I’m nothing but I still have some thoughts:

  • the Brits say they want herd immunity while cocooning the vulnerable (old people) but they aren’t cocooning old people, everyone is still out and about

  • they will be fucking destroyed within a month

  • there will also be no cohesive approach. Some industries like football will voluntarily self isolate and some won’t. Noone will know what the story is or what they’re supposed to be doing. It will be a mess.

  • this is some Dominic Cummings weirdness

  • they’re going to completely destroy the effectiveness of the Irish and European lockdown. They’re not very good neighbours. Especially in light of our border with NI.

  • ireland and europe dont really have a long term plan either. Will the lockdown just continue indefinitely?

  • if the brits just let the virus run wild then after the lockdown Ireland and Europe will just get infected when the lockdown finishes.

  • the only way it could work would be a lockdown followed by a complete band on travel to and from GB, and force the Brits to let NI follow th Irish lockdown. This should be discussed in Brussels now.

  • getting a lockdown in NI should be an extreme diplomatic priority for us. Sinn Fein should be helping and trying to get the DUP onside.

  • the lockdown should also be happening at an EU level or else it’s pointless (although I note that some countries like Germany and Poland seem to be doing quite well.)

  • at a minimum an EU-wide strategy has to be developed rather than uncoordinated piece-meal lockdowns.

  • ultimately the only way a lockdown works is if countries can hold out long enough for a vaccine. I thought that would be ready by summer but now it seems not. If the vaccine doesnt come the lockdown will have been for nothing. Pressure will grow to follow the British approach.

  • 2020 is a right-off and the only question is whether 2021 will be also (it might be)

  • the US will just let its poor die off and won’t give a fuck, after a while they’ll even stop talking about it.

Those bullet points got slightly out of control but those are my thoughts.

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Bullet points please.


The UK approach is very eh Darwinian. Which of course was a fundamental underlying theme of the British Empire, which of course they are trying to get back to the glory days of. So it all makes sense in a way. A pretty fucking stupid way mind.

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The UK are willingly sacrificing the weak on the alter of capitalism.