The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I’ve upped the vit C to the 1000mg, i’m taking Pharmaton and ZMA also.
Sipping green tea all day.


Dunno why you’ve gone off on one there. Some valid points there I’m sure. I didn’t say I agreed with his strategy, just said at least he had one and was honest about it, unlike Trump.

Boris is making a bold move that could turn out to be correct, none of us know. Herd immunity sounds great but could mean sacrificing a lot of elderly and turning every second hotel into an emergency ward.

Who told you healthcare in Spain and Italy is any good?

There is no cohesive approach here either. Bar closing schools and cancelling parades, token gestures at best, there is a half foot in half foot out approach. This lark of some things going ahead with certain numbers and other things not is the definition of half assed. You either shut it all down or you shut nothing

What could possibly go wrong?

I was in a supermarket this morning about 8.30ish on my way to work. I only needed a few bits and seen the clips of queues last night so got in early The queues for the tills were as bad as some of those seen last night. God help us in a month or two months time when stuff starts to run out. I was able to use the self sevice till and was waiting 2 minutes max. Unfortunately the human race may be better off with a good cull but it’s a pity there isn’t a virus that discriminates based on how selfish you are.

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We are riddled with it already.


Correct there are 1000s of cases all over Ireland currently. Kids have it without symptoms and are spreading it like wildfire.


Welcome to an hour ago.

Fire it on there

The British are such outliers in their approach to this that we probBly need to implement a travel ban ASAP

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Close down the borders in the north again??

I’d say your piss is nuclear at this stage

Or else get the northerners to do what we are doing.

That’s what I think. Get a lockdown going in the north and then ban all flights. They’re the only country that I know of that if deliberately trying to infect their population, they’ll soon be the worst in the world and they’ll drag us down too. What an unbelievable pack of selfish cunts. It could end up being comparable to the famine.

If you see this in the window, you’re onto a winner

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I dont want to alarm anyone, but i’ve a sore throat developing here all morning.

I think you might be fucked pal.