The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

They’ll die,and they’ll go to hell :grimacing:

Had blood taken this morning, everyone was asked to stay in there cars outside. Came out and called us when it was our turn

Yes and the pubs still open.

Nobody goes to pubs anymore.

You went to Cheltenham mate

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I came home a day early. To poison all of ye.

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No one cares

No doubt the us and Uk will lead the way here. They are driving on and that’s the right thing to do in my opinion. When we all cowered to the Germans it was the U.S and Great Britain that sorted things out. They’ll lead the way again I’m certain of it.

Go out for a walk or something. It’s a grand day. It’ll do you good.


It is already seriously rife in the UK. They say 590 positive tests. Fuck me there about that many famous people declaring it. Boris’s idea is don’t test just stay at home and it’ll be fine. The reason so many MP’s, Footballers and the like are testing positive is because they’re actually being tested.


Exackly. Every second fella home from Cheltenham will have it.

Germany at 3,000 now. To be fair they are doing well to be only at that point at this stage.

Czech Republic are closing their borders.

I’d say every border in Europe will be closed by this day week.

Bar our one probably but an all-island response makes far more sense.

Aer lingus staff member told me last night there will be big news early next week. They are expecting closure of Irish airports at least to multiple countries

The EU are very quiet on all this. Not a peep out of them.
I thought they were in control of all things?

Wales v Scotland surely cannot go ahead tomorrow?

24 hours and 40 minutes to kick off. That’s a long, long time in this scenario. I’d say it’ll be off by teatime this evening.

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They’ll probably play with a closed roof.

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Do and make sure to keep Nigel Owens in there.