The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

They are over in Turkey trying to bribe him to keep onto the Syrians

Spain just kinda nosedived there -

TUI have taken it upon themselves now to send me daily ā€œremindersā€ that the final part payment for flights into Reus in June need to be made by March 20th.

Sis in law is flying out to the costa today, which I think is nuts ā€¦ she may not get home.

Once the compound interest starts kicking in you are fucked

Ah here. Thereā€™s a certain breed of person out there who needs a few home truths told to them.

Gobshite of a first cousin of mine and his wife and two kids are still planning to go on a skiing trip to Val dā€™Isere theyā€™ve booked, I think itā€™s this weekend theyā€™re supposed to be going.

Given the husband has a high powered job in financial services and the wife is by all accounts Maria Steen-like in her conservative religious views, it doesnā€™t surprise me at all theyā€™d be so irresponsible. A right mix between the hubris of the Celtic Tiger and evangelical craziness.

Thereā€™s no talking to some people.

I think we might see airports locked down by Sunday /Monday

The problem is they wonā€™t be able to do it right away. Youā€™d probably need a three day grace period at least.

The Masters is OFF

Serves them right for ditching BBC.

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As far as Boris is concerned the faster it rises the better presumably? He must see this as all going perfectly

The scousers thought theyā€™d won it.
The title looked a cert.
Wanking themselves silly
Ending 30 years of hurt.
By far they were the best team.
It was proven by the stats.
Then china fucked the season
With aids from eating batsā€¦
Allez, allez.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be coughing up the rest, Spain looks like itā€™s on a crash course for an Italy type situation. Reus which is in Catalan territory is already closing down local routes.

TUI themselves Iā€™d imagine will struggle to survive this.

Itā€™s Friday the 13th lads, will it be an unlucky or lucky 13th?

Iā€™m going to go with lucky. I have an emerging hypothesis that should calm the nerves of the forum somewhat and restore a bit of sanity.

Letā€™s say we believe Chinaā€™s reported numbers. As reported by @labane1917 on January 27th the virus had spread to all 31 Chinese provinces, thatā€™s six weeks ago. Even accounting for Chinaā€™s draconian measures there is simply no way they could have contained the outbreak completely, given how contagious we now know it is and given the population sizes they are dealing with. What we do know is that in late January they changed their reporting criteria in Wuhan to match all other provinces, only reporting serious cases, and since then numbers leveled off and most confirmed cases outside Wuhan have recovered with very few dead.

Hunan which is the nearest province to Wuhan has 1,018 confirmed cases with 1,005 recovered and 4 dead. Thatā€™s far less serious cases and deaths than obviously Iran and Italy, but also France and Spain. @Thomas_Brady, are they just lying? Iā€™m beginning to think they are not and a combination of their draconian measures and something else is driving this decline in serious cases.

So what is this ā€œsomething elseā€. The answer may be that this is evolving into just another coronavirus like the four we have already that cause the common cold. This is the more optimistic of the two scenarios in the attached article. Iā€™ll provide bullet points after I get another cup of tea.


Spain seemingly on verge of complete shutdown, could be a long break!

Masters gone

ah yah
there will be widespread public disorder if pubs close id imagine

Just got my pre lockdown haircut there. Business is slow and I may I gotten the virus while in there but fuck thatā€¦couldnā€™t trust the undertaker to do a decent job on it. He probably wonā€™t have the time to give it a brush even


Theyā€™ll be setting you on fire anyway mate