The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Yes, all small businesses should get financial help, otherwise there will be no businesses for people to go back to work in.

Good riddance.

Kids & wives at home adhering to situation while these cunts bring home the fucking thing from pubs.

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Pubs need to be responsible and operate limited door policies and treat it like restaurants.

They canā€™t mate. Itā€™s closed.

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Itā€™s bullshit. This piece by piece roll out is dangerous. Everything should be closed and flights stopped.
You canā€™t trust pissheads and roasters who donā€™t wash their hands.


Do you think this is due to serious under reporting of cases (which I think at this stage is highly likely) in the West?

The UK doctors thought they had 5k-10k. I heard the Ohio doctor saying 100k.

Italy must have a serious number of real ones, 50k conservatively?

Iā€™ll be giving the finger out the window of the plane

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Iā€™d say well North of that at this stage.


The Irish have a fierce problem with the drink. It will be the death of them.


The cops are patrolling the shopping malls here breaking up large gatherings of young people.

Cunts think itā€™s a holiday.



Sure theyā€™ll die happy.

A fair few gangs of teenagers hanging around Marino this afternoon.

Itā€™s not their parents I blame, itā€™s their mothers and fathers


Of course it is. This started in mid December and there were no restrictions on travel at all until early Feb. 5 million left Wuhan in January and spread it all over the globe, then you get the exponential growth. In the US alone millions get the common cold every year (who knows how many millions as the great majority just get on with life) and the CDC say 31 million have got the flu this season.

Iā€™d say Amy from Ohio is not far wrong, so 1% have it already and if we donā€™t slow it down that will go to 10-20% very quickly.

Something has to kill you bro.

No restrictions on reentry from Cheltenham. Apparently no greater risk of them spreading it than people already in Ireland. Coveney just now