The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

He may be correct but where he was wrong was not strongly saying they should self isolate immediately. Asking to wait for fucking symptoms is plain stupid as they’ll have spread it already.


What’s the science behind ?

Exactly — they should all be urged to self isolate.

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I cant see any logic. People here are asked to distance and isolate. 10s of thousands have been rubbing shoulders in close proximity and it’s ok.

I think the science behind it is we don’t have the scale or scope to deal with the numbers coming back and deal with the consequences. A gamble, basically

Announcements planned over weekend to ramp up the lockdown. Pubs may be forced to close at 6. Government departments to close and staff reassigned. Hospital staff being reassigned. Hotels taken over

They’ll be wrecked coming home one way or the other, hard to tell then if you’re coming down with something

The fear x 100

The govt want it to spread slowly.above a 60% infection incidence is the desired outcome

Medicinal purposes.

Go easy on it, alcohol will negate the positive effects of all the good stuff you are taking.

Just the one, for the constitution.

I’m officially answering all questions from passengers and, more especially, my staff in relation to this virus with a politer version of “fuck off”

The airport has been plagued with rumours and people with agendas spreading information they know to be untrue (for the sake of a few days off). To the best of my knowledge none of these people are medical professionals

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Today was the quietest day I’ve ever experienced in Dublin airport.


100 cases on the island now… HSE to announce south figures in an hour… We’ll be well north of 100.

If there is one thing we could learn from the Chinese it’s how to deal with people like this. All governments should quickly pass a new law that anyone spreading panic online should be imprisoned for three months, like that Dutch cunt on the AL flight a few days ago. Lock the cunts up and let them talk to themselves for a few months.


A member of a front line government agency told an outright lie to one of my lads today and I’d to spend the day following up on it with my higher ups, then back reassuring people afterwards. It’s incredibly dangerous and should be punished. This lad won’t be punished though…

What was your demeanour like approaching the deli counter?

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I cogged the following from the Manchester United forum Red Cafe. It seems to make sense to me.

I honestly don’t know what the UK Government is thinking with their strategy. If the following scenario comes even remotely close to unfolding, well, it’s the sort of thing that leads to revolutions. Even if it doesn’t, I certainly think there’s a realistic chance Johnson and Cummings will be the most hated men in British history by the end of the summer.

Having re-read the transcript of Johnson’s press conference yesterday, you have to say that this a bold move. I have seen many describe it as a gamble, but what it really is, is a trade.

The Government are clearly happy for there to be a very high infection rate and they want this entire ordeal to be over with, quickly. There are two benefits to that: firstly, you minimise the economic impact that would inevitably occur with the prolonged use of highly-restrictive quarantine measures. Secondly, you quickly build up some measure of immunity in the population, making them more resistant to a second wave next winter. The price of those benefits, is a much higher death rate. That’s the trade.

To put the Government’s numbers in some context, Sir Patrick Vallance said that 50% of the total infections that will occur, will occur three or four weeks either side of the peak (which, on Government estimates, will be mid-June). The upper threshold for total infections in the Government’s scenario modelling, is 80% of the population becoming infected. That means that some 40% of the total UK population could be infected with Covid-19 during the six week period from late May to early July - that is 26 million people.

If the Chinese CDC numbers prove accurate, then we can expect 14% of those people to require hospital treatment of some sort and 8% of them to require intensive care - that is 2 million people that will require an ICU bed for critical life-saving treatment in the month of June. The UK has a total of 4,000 ICU beds (which are already 80% full). June, according to the Government’s own numbers, is going to be absolutely horrific. In terms of casualties, we’re essentially talking the opening day of the Battle of the Somme, every day, for more than a month. I can scarcely imagine the absolute hell that awaits NHS critical care doctors this summer.

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