The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Nice to see Nurses leading the line and not wearing masks :crazy_face::face_with_thermometer::face_with_head_bandage::sneezing_face:


Boris is backtracking

All of these doctors are probably infected now.

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No doubt about it. For the first time we as a country are taking things seriously but the nurses wont

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Awful news lads.

The UK and US are firmly placing economic concerns above human cost. But it wonā€™t work that way, it canā€™t. I donā€™t think they have a clue what theyā€™re walking themselves into. Absolute hubris will be their undoing. This is a potential Louis XVI moment for Trump and Johnson and I donā€™t believe thatā€™s an exaggeration. At best itā€™s a George Bush Hurricane Katrina moment for them.

What happens to Putin will be fascinating. We donā€™t know whatā€™s going on in Russia but we can have a fair idea they will not deal with it well because it is a regime which does not deal in truth, but covering up truth with this will not be an option. This could massively change the game there and bring him down. He could end up being Ceaucescued if things get really bad.

I have plenty of criticisms of our government in terms of dealing with this, but I have sympathy for them and they are at least living in a reality based world in terms of dealing with it. Small mercies.


Spent a few weeks there in 2008 in Lusaka and then in the Western Province. Nice country to visit.

I think the irish government has got it right. If I was nitpicking the way the announced the four week school closures sparked a little bit of panic. But the memo that was leaked or photoshopped has caused panic.
I certainly hope there is sufficient food supply for the country and their is no thuggish looting ect.
The Russians are in a tough spot putin will only look after his own cohorts and will probably see this as a opportunity of culling of people who he sees as a threat or anyone who has pissed him or the iron hand off

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Can I ask the name of the charity if you donā€™t mind mate? Even let me know by PM?

Weā€™re going to need a Marshall plan for businesses and laid off workers. This is going to be utterly brutal.

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There is a plan in place already. People who are sick can make applications to social welfare via phone or internet.
It looks from the statement from regina Doherty they will hand it straight out once a doctors note is handed in no waiting period of then days.

Freeze rents(commercial and domestic) rates and revenue. Mortgages too. Non essential business can close without having to actually fold until an appropriate time to reopen. Until that happens we are not taking the problem seriously


Awful awful hard

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Being self employed is a horrible situation atm. Iā€™m currently in that space now and hoping the government extend the 300 quid payment to people outside of positive tests/self isolation for the virus. Iā€™ll get through no mortgage or kids but I feel for anyone that has


Difficult times a chara, I have no solution or consolation for you, but Iā€™ll light a candle for the poor woman for the next few weeks. Keep well yourselves, things canā€™t be easy.


Theyā€™ve certainly got it less wrong than many others. I can accept that the mistakes theyā€™ve made have been in good faith.

I canā€™t really accept that about whatā€™s happening in the UK or certainly the US.

Putinā€™s regime depends on fear. It depends on all pervasive corruption and cronyism. It depends on mass hostility to the west. It depends on many of the same things Trumpism and Brexit depends on, a backward looking nationalism and a fake idea of ā€œgreatnessā€. The Soviet regime depended a lot on that too. It depends to a certain extent on clever and ruthless international strategy but there are limits to that, especially with a major domestic problem. The Chinese are ruthless and barbaric too. But it seems to me thereā€™s a real dedication to intellectualism, self betterment, national betterment and a real shared sense of purpose (as long you aren;t an oppressed minority) in China, that doesnā€™t really exist in Russia.

If things go badly in Russia I donā€™t know can the system hold. Everybody in Russia knows it is a regime built on lies and they sort of accept that. The people there arenā€™t stupid. It is a weird place. There is opposition, real latent opposition which currently has no real outlet and no real voice, but itā€™s there, and if the shit hits the fan as regards the handling of this virus, it could explode and change everything.

Weā€™re 50/50 office/home at mo for next two weeks. If youā€™re down for home you CANNOT attend the office at all. Itā€™ll go 100 by Monday I reckon

All we can so is remain positive. I think the idea of survival of the fittest should be quashed and the whole country rows behind one another pulls through.
What,about the poor women in maternity hospital with new arrivals has this been addressed as of yet?

Cheers @anon67715551 :pray: